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A billionaire's love {Falling for the Billioanire}

Chapter 6 now or never

Word Count: 1497    |    Released on: 04/07/2022


ing in sight. Diana was having another one of those days. She sat still on the patio drinking left over wine, another bottle sat comfortably next to her chair waiting to be popped open. As she drank, she pondered on the waves of possible silence that could be if she could pull one brief instance of self-reliance together, she could just be. "I wonder if I am allow

d of calling. As his window came down, so came the rise of "cold desert" in the air (a song by Kings of Leon). She particularly loved that song, it reminded her of hard times and what will she gathered to survive, it was in fact the one she had in her head when she met Garr

usion of a soothing mood, he was that kind of guy, all about the mood, his lady was in distress, and he was there to calm things down. While she sat comfortably, he increased the volume to fill her ears and

unded, it was true, Harry had fallen in love with the tree and fought the neighbors over the right to leave it up. Complaints went as high as the commission to chop it down, but Harry had friends in the right places.

he requested that he be buried with a few branches from that tree as he fel

the cold still breeze that came from the lake taunted the water waters. A bunch of people other people, mostly teenagers partied in the distance light. The must have been having a bonfire as it seemed. The music echoed not too loudly, and the nicest of them dancers created a circle as each followed the other. "That looks fun" Diana said as she tried to climb atop the trunk of the car. "yeah" replied Garry as he tried to help her up. He spreads her legs and

in grateful for his presence and reassured of his undenia

aid Garry as he continued s

e up to her. "No, you do it" she replied with her hand pushing the bottle to him. A wry smile comes upon his face as he opened the wine, carefully pouring it into the glass after be

t on intervals. While the party continued, they enjoyed

oday, particularly because he was there to take care of her. What bothered him often, was the silence she demanded when they were alone. "shh" she whispered, "let's just enjoy the silen

down off of the trunk, "Diana" he said as he joined her in a bid to stop her. "wait" she ran faster on hearing him rush towards her. The screams intensified, there were multiple screams now, as she edged closer, the adrenaline rush in her overtook her. "Diana!" Garry yelled. "Wait goddamn it!" but she was not having it she wanted to know, she had to know, she needed to know, this was her protest, her fight back, the large middle finger at her oppressor who now raced top stop her from saving another in distress.

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