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Destiny With My Enemy

Chapter 4 Fourth

Word Count: 1942    |    Released on: 05/07/2022

'Rachel Amaris P.O.V'

I can't understand and why my friends have become estranged from me since yesterday when I told them about Ethan and me.

I frowned at the memory of what happened this lunch, they were avoiding me both. I'm here now across from Ethan's classroom and waiting for him to come out.

Yesterday afternoon I also waited for him here in case I didn't catch up with him because he had already left, so here I am now and earlier I waited outside their classroom.

It's a good thing we left early so I can wait for him. I got up from my seat when I saw that their teacher had come out signaling that they were also leaving.

Some of his classmates also went out until he also went out with his two male classmates and the woman who hugged him yesterday.

My eyes narrowed and I approached them. "Ethan." I call.

He turned to me and smiled, "Chel, what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Let's go home together." Smiling I said, I heard the faint laughter of his two friends.

"I'm sorry Chel, but I'm not going home yet. Go ahead." I was devastated by what he said, we will not go home together.

I nodded and forced a smile, "All right. But can we go out tomorrow? There's no school."

He was silent for a moment and seemed to think, I hope he agreed. "Sure, all right."

I almost jumped for joy because he said, "Okay, I'll just go to your house tomorrow. 10 am huh?" he nodded, so the gift revealed to me, "All right I'll go first, bye."

I smiled walking down our building, he agreed we would go out tomorrow, the fun in the feeling!

I was about to walk out of the gate when I met him, Evan walking like his usual expression was still emotionless. Doesn't it know how to smile?

I looked away as he turned in my direction, then he passed in front of me as if he had not seen or noticed me.

How nice of me to this? Is he just passing me by?

He was going to the tricycle parking lot and that's where I was going so I followed him, he was in front and I was behind.

I couldn't help but speak and keep up with him, "Why are you going to ride a tricycle?" I asked, he didn't look at me so I touched him.

His forehead furrowed as if bored with what I did, I'm sorry. "Am I not allow there?" he asked, in a lifeless voice. Why is he so lazy to speak?

"Don't you have a car, why don't you use it?" I asked, he no longer answered me and continued walking as if I was not beside him.

"Woii I'm talking to you." I touched him again, annoying as if I was talking to the wall about what I was doing.

"Broken, flat tire." He replied, I nodded and the one who answered easily still needs to be tickled.

I calmed down and walked with him, did Ethan tell him about us? But why would he tell his twin that he didn't care?

Does it seem like the big deal to me whether Evan finds out or not?

When we got to the tricycle parking lot he got on first and I followed, I really couldn't stop my mouth from speaking and spoke to him again.

"Why didn't you ride or keep up with Ethan?" I will ask,

He turned to me for a moment and sighed as if he was tired of my face and in my irritated voice, "He's not home yet." He replied and slapped the headset on his ear and turned a blind eye.

He's not really a sensible person to talk to. I looked out of the tricycle many students like us others included and you were still holding hands the hand of their boyfriend or girlfriend. I was suddenly jealous, can Ethan and I be sweet too?

I didn't look at the person next to me with my eyes closed and seemed to have a world of his own, did Evan also experience having a girlfriend?

I doubt yes, so of course not yet. And then no one will last like him, I'm sure his girlfriend will just be bored there when he's the one to be with and talk to because he's just like someone to talk to and a wall with.

I'm very judgmental, but it's true. I slapped my cheek, I shouldn't be thinking about her lovelife.

"Stop staring at me." I was surprised when he spoke and opened my eyes, I quickly averted my eyes I felt like I had diarrhea because my heartbeat was too strong for an unknown reason, why is this?

"What are you staring at?" It's a good thing I didn't stutter when I asked that because I'm really going to throw myself out of the tricycle.

I was a little surprised to see the corner of his lip rise, he grinned? Yes he grinned as if teasing.

I was bored and just ignored him until the tricycle we were riding started.

He would go down earlier than me because he would pass by their house earlier than us, so when we got to the opposite side of their house I had to go down to get him down.

I saw Tita Rj just entering their house when I saw Evan, I was suddenly nervous to see Tita Rj. He was scary, he didn't know how to smile but I also saw him smile once. But even so, Tita Rj was kind to me.

And I already know where Evan inherited the habit, none other than Aunt Rj, his mom.

I smiled at Tita when she saw me, she just nodded. Evan approached her and kissed the mother on the cheek.

I got on the tricycle and got off when we got to the opposite side of the house, I would have paid 15 pesos for my fare when manong stopped me, I was even surprised when he said that I had already paid my fare.

"Who paid?" frowned when I asked.

"That man with you." Answer, even though I was confused I just nodded, the driver left.

Seriously? I don't have a man with me. But is he referring to Evan? But it was impossible for me to be exempted from the fare. Let it be, thankyou to whoever freed me the fare.

I entered the house, my brother first greeted me, "Where is mama?" I asked, pointing to the kitchen.

"I'm already here." I shouted for him to hear me from the kitchen, I went inside my room and put down my bag and got dressed.

I left my room and went to the kitchen, I caught mama cooking. "Dad isn't here yet?" I will ask,

"Nothing yet, it's good that you came home early. Take care of your brother." Mom ordered, I scratched my head so hard. I really don't want to take care of my brother because he also really doesn't want me, unless someone has to buy me something to meet or eat.

"All right, take care of that." He ordered again, I could do nothing but follow mama's order.

"Jack!" I call, when I get to the living room. It was playing with his toy alone. He turned to me and also returned his attention to what was being done.

I approached him and sat on the floor opposite him, "Would you like to come out?" I asked, looking up quickly.

"Why?" this question, do you see? It looks like he's older to speak, he's only three years old.

"I'll hang you." Smiling I said, it surprised. I saw her frown and her eyes watering.

I'm confused, fish cake! I quickly approached him and even before he started to cry I made him sit down. "It's not funny." I rubbed his cheek and pinched,

"MOM!" he was crying, I don't know if I will laugh or be scared because I know if it broke me with mama.

"Just a joke. We'll buy your food, do you want that?" I bribe, it immediately stopped crying. But my eyes are still wet, my sister is really cute especially when she cries.

"Yes, let's buy food sister." Kita niyo? Just food opposite him and it's okay.

I picked her up and we went out of the house to go to the store and buy her food.

"What do you want?" I will ask,

"Stick-o, more." He said and raised both hands saying that there were many, I wanted to drop him suddenly.

"Then you're a replacement? I'll pay the seller too?" I asked, he would have cried again when I said, "Just a joke Jek, this is it. Yes, I have more sticks."

I saw his smile at what I said and applauded, I can't imagine that I have a brother with a saltik.

When we bought his food, I also paid for it, and gave him the stick-o.

"Ask me." I even put my hand in front of him and I still frowned, pity effect supposedly. It glares and avoids me eating.

I was about to speak when I noticed the car pass by, it was Ethan's car.

I just went home with my brother, I let him down and let him play in the living room. I went into my room and took the book and paper, and I went out of my room again and sat on the sofa near my brother's seat.

I'll just do an assignment first so that tomorrow I won't do anything, so that I really have time for my date with Ethan.

At night I thought of hanging out outside the house, I don't know if I was just mimicking or Evan was really the one I saw passing by on a bike.

Because I was curious, I followed him walk the trend I did. It's also dark because it's night, but with the help of the moon and some street light I can see where we're going, wait for it to go to the river.

And I was right in my suspicion, when we got to the river he got off the bike and I stopped walking, I couldn't help but be surprised when he looked in my direction, at me and because of that I met his blue eyes at the same time as the beating of the wind.

We stared at each other for a moment before he spoke without interrupting the stare at me, "Why are you following me?"

I had nothing to say and was also a bit confused, "Ah, eh. Why are you here?" I asked back, I didn't know the answer to his question so I wondered if he would answer the question back.

"Stop answering me a question." He said in a cold voice, what is that with the coldness of his voice in the air.

"Eh why are you here?" I asked again, he did not answer me but he just sat on the big chunk of rock.

I thought he would never answer my question when he said, "I want a peaceful place." He said softly enough for me to hear. He looked at me again then at the peaceful heaven.

I also imitated him, even though it was embarrassing, I sat next to him and also looked up at the sky to see the stars and the moon, feeling very peaceful.

quiet together, we d

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