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Dusk and Ice

Dusk and Ice


Chapter 1 1 DeShawn: Attraction and Bodies

Word Count: 1843    |    Released on: 05/07/2022

. I relaxed visibly. I hadn't realized that I had been desperately holding my breath since the ride to the airport with dad

was richer and was able to provide for me, at least that was what the court said, whereas mom could only boast of a house given to her by her ancient grandmother in a rural neighborhood. I don't much about what mom went through when she lost me but I know what I went through living with dad. I presume mom never got married after the divorce and neither did dad but he had a long endless chain of girlfriends, all

the lifesize amories in the hall, the glass walls overlooking the Carter Bay, the lush trees flanking each side of our drive, and the wide foot-shaped swimming pool at the side of dad's 5000.ft mansion. Worst of all they wa

sses right he front of me, he caressed boobs on the dining table and kissed some stupid pouting


how she was different from the others but I couldn't see her being any different an

nothing fake about her. Not the beautiful face that held little makeup, the blue eyes, and her full lips, not the wavy blonde hair. Definitely not the

I knew right then that she wa

ked she was right in front of me with her hand out to shake mine. There was something different abou

back and patted me on the shoulders "Made a good choice

f Camilla's face, her smile -her boobs

different about her

y faithful friends Tim and Harry, and I saw lots of videos and lots of magazines enough to fill our heads with fantasies foreve

huge dining every night with its paneled glass walls offering a view of

Camilla was sitting directly opposite me with her hand on dad's. She was talking to me, she asked questi

because she was an excellent choice. She called my name and I felt goosebumps go up my flesh as I looked

ure but also very much younger

e leaned across the table. That and the sound of her voice sent heat to my stomach, I could feel my groin tighten and I squirmed in my chair. She must have seen my discom

he never went out of her way to seduce me but the way she looked at me while we ate, and the a

ad wet dreams about her. I wanted to kiss her, taste her ski

where to go. While we were playing games Camilla walked in with a small fancy tray that held glasses of pineapple drinks a

"You've been here all day with nothing to eat. L

is gamepad, "Who the fuck is

idn't notice the see-through of her whi

after all. He's got good tastes! Dude, you had this sex bo

I shrugged off their questions but my mind was in turmoil with fantasies ab

e what we were playing. Her thighs and her boobs were on full display distracting all three of us a

ped on buttons on the pad trying to get the hang of it and then she laughed "How do you guys use this thing?" sh


rubbed against mine and I almost had an orgasm there. I held on to my self-control for as long as Harr

en I opened it Camilla breezed in a dres

me how to use these", she said i

nd when I turned back around the dressing robe had fallen

girlfriend, Sha

to her body I

to". She looked down at the very prominent bulge in my trouse

n be home," I p

ck to look me in the eye "Surely you know that. So why don't we play a little while I will teach you to use this." S

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