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It Ends In The End

Chapter 10 Still Day 6

Word Count: 2863    |    Released on: 28/07/2022

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sed to and did he just call me little. "What are you doing here?" Fred asked in a stern tone pulling me away from the entrance "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm looking for you of course" I said folding my arms together "Okay, what do you want?" He stood up straight "Look, I need you to pick Theo up from school later, I have to go somewhere" "I have plans too, besides where are you going? and why didn't you just text or ca


he bus, unlike you privileged rich kids" "Okay, that sounded like an insult" Jared replied "It was, keep up" Carmel scoffed "That wasn't very nice Carmel" I scolded "Well sorry" she grumbled "Are we gonna stand here all day?" "We'll take my car" Jared suggested "And come back here for mine, hell no" I disagreed "You know what why don't you both take yours, I'll hitch a ride with Bridget and she'll drop me off at the subway when we're done and none of you have to come back, deal?" Carmel suggested "She has a point" I said "yeah makes sense" Jared nodded "Well let's go then" She walked over to the passenger side of my car and I opened Cruz's door with the remote control and we both got in "Why do you have a child

brother, his name is Theo" "Oh cute, I bet he is too" she smiled "He sure is and a handful, This is Cruz by the way" "What?" she looked confused again "My car, I named her Cruz" "Oh, I see we've got a car na


up "Hi Bri, you're on your way already?" "Yeah, I'll meet you in your office okay, don't bother coming down" "Uh...okay, is anything wrong?" "No mom, I'll just see you in a bit" I hung up "Bri!" I turned back and Carmel was trying to catch up with me "Wait up, jeez you walk really fast" she panted "I'm hungry, does this hospital have a vending machine or something?" she asked "Yeah, it's just at the waiting room" "Do you have any cash with you? I'm all out" she asked giving

sed listening to the other end of the line "No it's for a school project" she paused again "Okay thanks" she hung up and turned her attention to me "You know where to go" I nodded and made for the door "Thanks mum, good bye ma'am" "Good bye dear" she replied. I stopped halfway and turned to my mum "Are you coming home early today?" I asked "I don't think so, can you make dinner?" she gave me a small smile "Yeah or Maybe Fred could" she laughed "Theo told me about it, he said it looked like alien goo or something" We both laughed "I'll see you later then, bye" I walked out of her office and to the elevator. A nurse and a honey blonde Woman holding a baby girl were in the elevator when I stepped in and pushed the button to the ground floor. The baby stared at me making silly angry faces and I made kissy faces at her she tried to grab me gaining the attention of her mother who just smiled at me and said "She likes you" "I like her too, what's her name?" I touched the tip of her tiny nose while she tried to grab my hand "Fawn" the woman smiled "From Tinker


? we could get monkey blood" Carmel suggested. it was a good suggestion. "I know where we might be able to find it" I chimed "Is there anything you don't know where to find?" Carmel teased "Not at all" I smiled as we walked out of the hospital "So we're done today?" Jared asked "Obviously" Carmel shrugged "We'll meet at the biology lab tommorow, I'll text


you didn't pick him up, he made me play the London Bridge song repeatedly, which was by the way very annoying and we stopped to get ice cream TWICE and Jim Jam is the worst, don't get me started" Fred complained "Welcome to my world Frederico" "No thanks, Bridgeta" "Okay that was cringe, why are you putting on an apron anyways?" I noticed the apron he had on the mitten on his hand "Fweddie bakey cookies" Theo piped "You? Baking?" I scoffed "Theo wanted cookies and won't shut up about


away and I pouted at him "No fair" "Life dear child, is not fair" he spoke like he was a yoga instructor. "Can I have again?" Theo asked "Yes you can" Fred handed Theo another and turned his back on us to get the remaining out of the oven "Hey, what gives!" I whined and an idea struck me "Psst, Theo mind sharing your cookie with me?" I whispered to Theo "Sure" he broke it into two and handed me the other half "Thank you" I threw it in my mouth and chewed, it was really delicious. Where on Earth did Fred learn to cook? He barely walks into the kitchen except when he's hungry and is going through pots, pans, cupboards and the fridge. "Okay, here you can have some, tell me what you think" Fred offered me cookies on mum's China. I ate as much as I could leaving some for Theo "It's delish, where'd you learn to bake?" I asked and he gushed "I'm a natural" "Make dinner as well?" I tried my luck "No" he said flatly. Party pooper. I poured out a glass of water and was drinking from it when Theo announced "Angie Kiss me today" I choked on my water and Fred laugh "What'd you say Theo?" I asked coughing "Angie kiss me here" he gestured to his cheek "She wost her cwayons a-and I gave her m

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