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The BadBoy’s Bet

The BadBoy’s Bet


Chapter 1 Episode One

Word Count: 1361    |    Released on: 07/07/2022


my face. I groaned opening my eyes slowly, and I wasn't shock seeing it's m

dy for school, then you might as well prepare to walk to scho

." I mu

that." S

to get ready in 30 minutes, I guess I would have to perform magi

n, then wore my clothes. I don't wear makeup, so all I had to do is

My mum chides, walki

to leave me behind if I'm not fast." I replied her chugging

ced a quick kiss on my little brothers fore

ger a little kid." I heard Chris y

state the minute I got in the car

be 18, so I can fina

ive your lazy ass to school everyday." She retorts. I hate

Natalie questions pull

y. He got nice blue eyes." I said excitedly picturing J

in that book I write all the guys name I have had a crush on, it's like a list. A list of guy

would only end up saying words that has no meaning." Yep, that's me. I'm a

ful, you're smart but you have never ever come close to saying hi, just a common hi to a g

ility to say a normal perfect word to a

dded firmly looki

ned you." With her final words said, she turned on the radio. Ugh, who knows if it's my future husband who cast


ne and only best friend says, carrying her heavy bag full of books. Avery here has this weird

onday morning." I said ti

w my hatred for Monday mornings

class already, we

g Monday morning." She grumbles opening her

ng. So why do you keep on complaining every Mo

s it when a person dies, people cry, hu

ery." I rolled my ey

is painful." Oh geez, it'

ing the topic. If you want to know everything happenin

that Chase is back." She says casual


ing in your head." A

! He has tattoos and piercings all over his body, but nevertheless it still makes him cute and he's

n town. It could be my neighbor, from my dad's office, my sister's boyfriend's and even my classmate, or a senior fro

I didn't need to turn back to know it's

ou give me weird looks, I would want you to know that I star

nd placed a quick kiss on he

in class." I Informed her, though I'm pretty sure she didn't hear me since she's too bus

t to the new guy, Nathan Kris, he is fifth on my crush list. I walked over to the seat really nervously. I wish Avery is right here with me, she would

he's talking to me right? Like why would he be talking t

od he is talking to me, what am I supposed to do? Thankfu

here." I yelled, r

like that." Avery a

een you and your boyfriend." Okay that sounds too much, I don'

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