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The BadBoy’s Bet

Chapter 3 Episode Three

Word Count: 1714    |    Released on: 10/07/2022


yes to know the owner of the voice. Why does she have to wake me up every freaking mornin


face, trying to tune down her loud voice. I just want to s

sessed by the demon or some witches.... just pulled off my comfy blanket from my body. I love that

not yet ready. I have to be at work by 8 Alice! Do you know what, I'm leaving you cause I c

should be a fun Lesson to you." She

school. I can't walk to school! I could faint from

begged holding

, I had no other options but

ot care if your leg gave out and you faint in the middle of the road, w

on’t work on her, i

will be fast. I will dress

ou are just wasting more of the time you don’t have


all my morning ritual in haste. But by the time got do

ith sweat and even if I have a chance to talk to any of my crush, my sweaty self we chase t

two handsome guys, the Wil

car right infront of me. Okay.. you can do this Alice,

." oh geez, that's not how to say hell

oice of Arc, is enough to make me faint. I won't fa


ork... really early." Since when can

and which means that she couldn't take you to school." Aaron breaks down, staring at

Did you ever had to walk to school, when you were in high school, oh don't mind me, what am I even saying? Of course you did not walk to school, why the heck would the both of you walk to school, unless if you guys didn't

ood. "You are cute. Get in the car. We will give you a ride to school, cause luckily for you… I'm driving in the direction of yo


I should get into the car. Oh my God!!!!! I'm going to be in the same ca

g to get in?.

ou are giving me a free ride, and so I should get in. Sorry." You are the worst Alice. I took in a very deep breat

r only 30minutes, I wished it lasted fo

teful, like, why won't I be grateful? I will

ed placing his finger on my lip, in other to get

th the wilson's twins, but Aaron actually called me cute, and now his fi

l you are screaming inside your head." A

ust happened." I uttered excitedly clapping

going to tell me ev

by her hand and then I dragged her all the way to


d to the ne

king at my crushes, my heart sw

could have a different routine and something different

g and kept all the books in my locker. Just then Ave

ou answer me... Avery!" I

d? Why are you ignoring me Avery." I took hold of her hand, then t

e." I yelled bewildered by her

have you been secretly wishing he was yours! I bet at the first chance you get, you will take him away from m

id you know about that

d, my boyfriend! Alice! You know I was hoping it's a lie but

ever think of taking your boyfriend from you,

, have it. And I'm done being your friend." She glared at me then walked away. I read the paper Ave

ctually have a crush on her sister's boyfriend and also

had to add our handsome Chase name in that

did they get to know about my

t safe with her in this school." The girl that talked earlier, said. Oh

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