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The BadBoy’s Bet

Chapter 2 Episode Two

Word Count: 1281    |    Released on: 08/07/2022

ry mutters looking around the cafet

ll go get us our food." She point at a seat not rea

ver there, or we both go get the food." I don't want to seat there, looking so jobless. I

t by the way, I want the regular." When it comes to stuff like this, she n

voided a bunch of people on my way to the counter, ordered tw

st friend lunch food to the table successfully… But no, I just had to c

rry." I apologise frantically, staring

my crush list. Why do

ring wrong. Did you just ta

jj." What the he

say." He asked sta

g another look at him i ran away. Now, that's the reason I d

ood." Avery ask

lled on the floor. I tried saying sorry to the guy, and

getting the food, anyway who is

alked to me, can you believe it but i kin

t's okay. Let me go get our

" I rep


6 on my crush list. Yeah, I'm not only crushing on my best friend boy

nd's, you wouldn't be talking li

ne of my girlfriends."

d even if you were not my brother I would never date you, do you know why

ll walk home." Austin growls, obvio

ere, because dad will take back your car. So feel free

use of the numerous girls he wants to take in his car. Sometimes I do wish I'm one o

is won't be able to pick me up from school, cause she works in a publishing house. Avery

ek to my house, I hate me life. I can't

I greeted skippi

how was school to

he couch. Yeah I'm not an orderly type of

om then placed the bag on where is supposed to be." My mu

head already in the fridge. Searching, searching, searc

m says sighing. My mum Mrs Becky lucky has tried everything within her power to get me to do

is happy. Love you." I kissed her on the cheek then skipped out

opped down on the couch before eating

's not a real food but nevertheless when you'

bath now." I cried out he

tinking so bad, I guess I will have to do so myself." My mum sa

do not mean the normal bla blah blah blah of family history, nope. Mr and Mrs

s what Aaron is number 8 in my crush lis

my bath." I got up from the couch, placed the dirty bowl

king the dirty bowl from the center table,

t or maybe fly on its own to my room but sadly


r crushes. Come back home and hope my mum sents me on an errand so I could take a look at the Wilson's twins

I haven't talked about, I will tell you who it is. Adam

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