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The BadBoy’s Bet

Chapter 4 Episode Four

Word Count: 1441    |    Released on: 17/07/2022

oh my God. I have to sneak out of school i

d me. I turned around and there she was, the most frightening girl I have ever know, sta

dd my boyfriend's name to your dumb crush list. Just look at ho

you are also smelly, and to think that you use that stupid smell

oks really irritates me." Olivia

eel more angry than I already am." Charlot

beg of you, stop." I cried out, holding unto my head,

, or even dare mention his name or even think of him, just know I'm going to make this school really miserable for you. Don't try me A

e huffed then walked aw

I'm dead,

ater and then wore it. I put on the hoodie over

y you are so late to class." Mr grey, the English teac

said, my head bowed low. I can't really tell him

shing on every guy you lay your eyes on." A guy yelled fro

ou also have a crush on

ry, I promise to make your night really pleasuring." Another guy yelled, and I think

th of you are nothing but a manwhore, you are not even ashamed. The both of you are so ugly that you ca

t."Mr grey said, I nod my head and walked ove

y as I sat down. "Just because i defended you a little does not mean I have forg

my desk, this is going to be a reall


then walked out of the cafeteria heading straight to the school football field to eat. When I go

Kris voice came from in-front of me. There was no need to look up to know it’s the fifth guy

e fun of me." I asks sighing,

the number 5th guy on your crush list, it's really an honour."

as if I was mocking you,

did." I answ

to say it that way. Can I star

I replied shrugg

." He introduced stretching forth his hand, for a handsh

d it's also nice meeting yo

out here alone, eating all by yoursel

e. I think it's best, if I eat out here." I s

atted and talked about everything and nothing. During our talk, I

y isn't that b

********** "Bye, and thanks for walking me back home." I waved at Nathan stand

yfriend." I heard my little

I yelled at him, wa

s the boy Alice?” My mum asked rus

home and that's it." I yelled already climbing


ng on the dinning, "So.. how was your day, my loving wif

s a great day." My mum answered putting s

dy, and Alice has a boyf

a blabber mouth. How many times do I have

ass with you? What does his parents do fo

iend, there's nothing official yet." My mum

shing on other people's boyfriend." My sis

about the list, well..

g to my room now."

touched your food ye

um, Chris can have my food." I ye

d for me.” I heard C

turned from bad

and if she's mad at me and refuse to talk

ybe Nathan is an exception but anyway… I never dreamt of taking my best friend's boyfriend or even my sister's boyfrie

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