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The Conjugal Rights

The Conjugal Rights


Chapter 1 Preface

Word Count: 634    |    Released on: 07/07/2022

haracters and exotic scenes. Readers are advi

a slight once over before proceeding further. (This is to fuel your imaginat

evant s

e core theme of "The Conjugal Rights" (this book) is based on

petition to the district court, for restitution of conjugal rights and the court, on being satisfied with the truth of the statements made in

e excuse for withdrawal from the society, the burden of proving reason


codify the law relating to marriage among Hindus and others. Besides amending and codifying Sastrik Law, it also included separation and divorce, which also exist in Sastrik Law.

there is no role for the state as marriage remains a private affair within the social realm. However, in the modern e

ly the most important transitional point in a Hindu's life and the

tion 5 of t

en any two Hindus, if the followin

spouse living at the

the marriage,

id consent to it in conseque

from a mental disorder of such a kind or to such an extent

enty-one years and the bride of the age of

ted relationship unless the custom or usage gover

h other unless the custom or usage governing

ns along with the said Act,

ant efforts, things may seem to go overboard. In any case, please keep going and c

ur honest reviews (including criticism). Feel free to point out errors an

y re


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