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Phantom X

Chapter 3 Kill

Word Count: 1587    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

t flip and caught

he nun hits arnold away with her shoulder

ng energy blast and qu

ething??"arnold asked leading the nun away from

system.a bike is avai

be much use to me right now

old she was face to

long staff appeared on her hand

finally clenching a t

everal blast but he d

on the hard surfaces ground .he dodges some blast but unfo

need the bike

old muttered feel

r cal

hat "Arn

re in your scre

rbo mecha bike"Arnold yelled


eported right In

old hopped into the bike "wait I

ve sir" X2

lerator and driving throw the ci

ind flying through th

ard huh!...classic

directions.shock wave were sent towards him but he quickly sw

e air rapidly.she crushed the rocks into a ti

eral turns but eventually he got hit a million times

are house.Arnold had no where to go.not wanting to destroy

with a heavy netrual blast he fell off the bike cau

the X card upwards and broke it with her te

ld exclaimed"I'm so

rds "X23 any other o

rrently offline"she

m d

. now let's see how much you can really last"the nun said landing

Arnold upwards and pointin

and he turned to blue dust and flew into thin a

pierced into the nuns

rds her direction but she repelled them she immediately broke the arrow on her leg

rged from the sha

rget glasses with electron arrows behind h

with two neutral based element daggers.he

hains with hooks that was injected with dangero

had on some claws and a ye

nt far away from you you guys the hallucination spell w

"lake asked angered with his chain res

nd you guys are next!"she said smiling wondering why she

ried making a blast with he

ds a kick in

rds the nun. the nun dodges

ain quizzing her like he did to him earlier and

aff towards lake he blocked the attack

and set a long rope in form of a trap for the nun she eventually steps on

ritten all over her face there weapons were ready to fire.she hit Clinton

uys!!!"they heard a

rom the nun to Arnold who wa

ssessed.she is not really a Evil spi

nun asked with a shock expressi

dn't actuall

u mean"Jenn

ald of yours,incase you want it you can take a visit to tech

you survive?"s

hand over the emerald to tech Corp authorization"he sai

ow you can't get me out of the

lake asked holding

e are Permanently attached unless the host die's then

ght X23!!!"arnold as

he is right sir

save life not take life.this is bullshit.i want ve

nna kill I would have never jo

without blood that's no where to be found boy.accept and jus

please!"arnold pleaded "we cam

promised my dead parents I would revenge them in any way if it has to do w

quit and live our normal life i

I might not kno

a oath and it's impossible to turn back now "Clinto

my siblings even if it means killing and I can't break my oath

othing but nod

Came thrusting into her head it broke through her skul

the awful scene as lake desolate

s right hand towards the body as lake angrily cu

intons right hand.lake filled with agony and blo


hes vibrated and they

mission c

n to

og out of t

201"They a

dust leaving

rs and wept to the sight of a re

s"Arnold said tele

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