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Mask Princess in Revenge

Mask Princess in Revenge

Author: Zy Yang

Chapter 1 Homecoming

Word Count: 3537    |    Released on: 08/07/2022


I passed by while strolling around the village. First, they were all surpr

t you?” asked som


d you co

seeing you aga

. “If you all have time later, please visit in our home. There

’s embar

broad, but it’s quite embarrassing to go ther

em. I’ll be more happy if I see people I know in my party, and that’s a


forward to all

er then eventually nodded w

dy Lili. Thank you

et us even though you’re gone f

rget all of you? I even mi

o kind, L

I shou

tend. You know, I can’t finish all the foods they

ter, “You’re still as fun

nd laughs again with your faces. Till

u can, L

re on yo


arted strolling again and invited ev

eeted me with a smile, and so do I to them. This is how people in the village treat me—nice and full of respect. When there are others who a

im. He’s also determined to make Almario to be a peaceful and better county. And he will never allow anyone to oppress the people. Whenever t

llage again?” Cris asked the moment she saw

r face, she’s also a good cook, which she inherited from our Mother. Well, she’s kind to

e is

nswer me. “They’ll come later. Right now, they’re

t than seeing first their friend

dn’t r

at you’re cooking is d

ed, “It’

d, it’s indeed delicious. It

at me, “Until now, you

y head an

i, you’r

eventually smiled, “Mother, do

es, I’ll cook

aught Cris watching us

let me

no need. Cris is here

give her special treatment. She also needs to help us, especi

ned to me,

ip. What if she’

e near me. “D

ded he

om strolling aro

looked at

st first in your room so you wil

er eyes in gr


want me doing the household chores. They care for too

ox under my bed. I opened it and saw the gifts I had bought for my friends. I made sure th

are already numbers of people outside and I

neck is closed and there is a black flower button from the neck down to my chest. It wrapped around b

ess is

Lady Lili,” complime

appeared surprise and stunned. “Y

look stunned seeing me. They were e

Minister Roque.” Said by the friend

alace officials were in t

have two beautiful dau

lso have a beau

gged me, “I hope you enjo

, “I alr

daughters aren’t just beautiful in

d at cooking, right? Is she the one who

daughter Cris is a good cook, a

“I’ll go greet some of our visitors, L


tinued listening to

lligent. She studied abroad, so I’m

octor.” My father agreed, “S

laughter, “Definitely. They

w? Is she going to work as the Royal Physici

w, she wants to enjoy her vacati

Studying is also stressful,

the entrance of the gate, waving at

towards them a

you just

f coming here wi

’s first our time meeting. Aside from that,

at each other an

back again.” Said Thone. He’

y face, “You’re

o. You haven’t changed.

tiful woman in our village. She has thi

he smiled at me. “We mi

you guys too. I was just stopping mysel

ou’re able to held it for long until


ving drama ther

ed to Cris

uld come

forgot to invite you guys

at on the clean floor of the l

have yo

re a lot of things happened, but th

od to he

, we always remembe

you didn’t

? Even if we try to, you’

time that you wanted to be a great swordsman in Almario, that you will work

m good with swords now, and I’m sti

to that. I ho

to Mahara. “H

and pa

? That’

ell my works

do you

raits and

n, can you

re a noble lady, a skillful doctor and famous for being beau


, she laughed. “I’ll dra

er to her,

p on a bl


ted, “B

ke I know a

I thought you have a lot of


nces here in Almario. I’m su

ch in abroad. My attention is just in studying.” Then, I changed

head, “No,


zy.” Avoi answered, “I

till preparing for the exam,


ow are we and what we’re doing now. You should also

dy know wh

cine, but we want to kno

learnings I got from studying, and I don’t


d there since we have diffe


smile, “I

nt now is you’re here. You just h


ara. “Stop with the long talks. Why don

how me now to give you p

nestly, it’s quite embarrassin

e or not. As long as it’s from


anded to me and saw a b

that’s why we bought it for you. I know it’s not that l

em. “I love the color white because it’s n

deed a goo

nt to show it thr

d of clothes you wore j

I also have a pre

s sparked

to go get the wooden box under my bed. Wh

hat is it.”

’s yo

and she turned surprise. “Wow! All of this are materials for drawing and

gave the gi

ould gift a sword but


. I will surely cherish and take a g



biggest box of gift. Thus, Ma

that fo

e you really prepar

” Cris asked, th


Everyone’s attention was with her, who’s slowly opening

that a Ch

de a big box, so the

“Wow! The fabric is good. It’s not somet

inside the box, “There’s ev

ought you’ll like it. I think that Chef attire will look good on you

o I thought she

t my lip and tried to smile. “If you d



d slowly turned to me,

miled, “I’m gl

! Sweet

s and warned them to

where is

pped by what

gift? Does he even h

st wait? I’m sure Lili also prep

stly, I don’t know

d his back. “It’s okay, Thone. Let’s just understand her. If I’m her, I

having your own hobbies and find your passion. In that

Having a gift or not, it’s not a big deal to me. But what y

ue that I didn’t know what to give to Thone b

eared su

ou tell us

, I handed at Thone the box of gift. “I don

ly laugh while Thone left speechless. I b

took the hairpin from Thone t

, I nodde

t you would giv

ore, “HAHAHA T

d at him, “

’t know what to give to Thone, I bought so

other while Thone tu

re you

e you like, but you don’t have a confident to tell her your feelings, and you don’t plan to because

have a feeling for some

ed. “I thought you have

t forge

s a woman in your heart, Thone?” Ma



d that you gave me a hairpin. But now, I really ap

made o



ause it’s already late at night. When we exited from the house, I saw the ministers still

ister Año atten

sn’t want. He ju



t is

of an animal right insid

d that

s very odd. Because their security is t

out the

, they really doesn’t have an i

ruder is… I guess

, Li

ra who called out my name. “

u’re not l


isters are talking. “I bet you’re

ed, “Huh?

, “We’re s

r, “Why would

he intruder is a dangerous guy. S

miled an

woke up early an

ng somewhere

id you

wake up early unl

She just rolled her eyes. “I’m going to h

er, and I need to

er, I quickly move towards


help bring the

yes, “As if moth



y’re not here yet. Maybe I’m too early to come. While waiting, II looked around the forest, reminiscing the last

urned back to see who it is, it was a dashing man in its nob

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