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The Alpha's lantern mate

Chapter 5 Save her

Word Count: 1115    |    Released on: 08/07/2022


asshole dude who just cared about s-x. I was sure that he was

and be wild with him. The dark desires in me wante

bond and the fact that he could feel t

-ing mate for

etting because of him, the thoughts about him being wit

h-orange hues seemed gloomy as if giving company to my p

reminded me more of him and I found myself

ht pain started brewing around my cl

ous hair. To tangle my fingers deep into his curly locks while

aking me feel so hot and

h h


as my d

and lips shamelessly, thinking of hi

’t handle this anymore.

was sleeping with other girls. I’ll have

few steps ahead. My feet tumbled over a little pebble and I was about to

essly stared into his green eyes. My eyes fell on his lips and

w and at the same time, it was m

ed, I was looking for that particular perso

and I’m staying at this pack’s Beta’s house. Can you guide me on the

give you company, my house is only ten minutes away from Beta’s

d faced me. “Shouldn’t I be a gentleman and let you walk ahead? I’m so sorry,” he

th a little bit of ease, I started walking and he followed me silently. Unli

hot feelings and dryness in my mouth rushed back. I co

re near me, I cou

rge to push that girl off a cliff was brewing in my devilish mind. I wa

dn’t hear that. All my attention was on his lips. The way his

and I kept staring at his lips as I wanted to eat him up. I wanted him to touch me. I wante

as m

y m

sciousness started knocking out

d and instead of falling to the ground, I fell into his arms. He held me but within

where I

hat my body

ss that my

. My

aps,” a female voice fell in my ears w

first heat after meeting their mate and after the first full moon which tak

nscience shouted in my head and I f

h and the guy who helped me saying in

hough Klaus kept trying to wake me up but

er heating process end?” My

l what to do, it’s you only who can save her. I’m pretty sure that she has got strong genes that’s why she controlled

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1 Chapter 1 Finding mate2 Chapter 2 Black Moonstone pack3 Chapter 3 Share my pain4 Chapter 4 Heat5 Chapter 5 Save her6 Chapter 6 Her first heat7 Chapter 7 I don't want you8 Chapter 8 Playing games9 Chapter 9 Slow kiss10 Chapter 10 My mistress11 Chapter 11 Does it hurt, my Alpha 12 Chapter 12 Your Alpha sucks13 Chapter 13 Smelled your scent14 Chapter 14 Your fiance wants to see you15 Chapter 15 Club opening16 Chapter 16 Personal servant Alpha17 Chapter 17 Introducing my mate18 Chapter 18 Alluring marking spot19 Chapter 19 He had hurt me20 Chapter 20 Betrothed 21 Chapter 21 What's my fault 22 Chapter 22 Enough23 Chapter 23 I seek truth24 Chapter 24 Please, stay25 Chapter 25 Marked26 Chapter 26 Pain and pleasure27 Chapter 27 Marked mates28 Chapter 28 Can't challenge an Alpha29 Chapter 29 Layla30 Chapter 30 Hid the truth for 2 decades31 Chapter 31 You'll fight for me32 Chapter 32 Awakening his wolf33 Chapter 33 How dare you!34 Chapter 34 She struck my cheek35 Chapter 35 Leaving each other breathless36 Chapter 36 The wedding day37 Chapter 37 The Alpha ceremony38 Chapter 38 The throne39 Chapter 39 You're not my Alpha40 Chapter 40 I won't accept Amber41 Chapter 41 A Mistress or a whore 42 Chapter 42 Love isn't enough43 Chapter 43 Make you my Luna44 Chapter 44 I need you45 Chapter 45 Obstacle46 Chapter 46 Obstacle47 Chapter 47 Butterfly with a crown48 Chapter 48 All Yours49 Chapter 49 Mated with him50 Chapter 50 Slept with Amber51 Chapter 51 Destiny52 Chapter 52 Scars and Pain53 Chapter 53 I'm a lantern54 Chapter 54 Help you heal