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Loveless Fascinations

Chapter 8 ... I Questioned My Love And Trust

Word Count: 2600    |    Released on: 08/07/2022

n's P

shed the horn of Africa." I began my speech before the

y of my political appointment. The few heads I sighted from the podium never bothered me at all. Their extremely nice fa

e walls of the room. I had to justify my speech before

nes we don't need," I winked at my right-hand man, "I'll refra

n. He whispered the words that made me regret my words. "Yo

lief his truth. Ever since he began working closely with me to achieve my so-called secret target, his pieces of advice have been so much helpful for a no-fri

n a few seconds, he wiped my sweaty face with a white woolly handkerchief. He smiled briefly and stood behind me as he used to. I raised my shoulders and

my jotter and highlighted the statistics of how much wealth we

t of me. The night that The Bensons sank in their mansion of wealth and power was the most awkward moment in my life. My soul, nerve cells, spir

"My past ghost must not take me down." I

What did they see in me? I glanced at my bodyguard. He frowne

ered to him and focu

verything I intended to achieve with my political appointment. I was a little bit glad since no one

nd simple to cause such nuisance in my cherished mind. I inhaled and quote

the journalists raised his hands. "The sta

omplained bitterly about every day. – 'Why do they get into politics and do the opposite of what they promised?' How do I convince them that I was a different person? Ho

caused?" he whispe

ords I doubted this time

uder were one hell of a ride for me. Regardless of this, I loved him despite his tough love and energetic lovemaking skills. The dark part that scares me in th

a second! His sight organs expanded the vengeful spirits. I roamed my eyes around in search of any foul play within the hall. I found none. Why do his eyes sca

y enemies. My love fantasies kept my mouth open. I stared at him with my

tapped my puffy-sle

single success-attaining word raised another cheer from the crowd. Did

outed amongst the crowd. "We don't d


e at such chunks of words with a three-word speech? Is that supposed to bother me now? What about the fact that this

are anymor

atting amongst themselves. -- What does she mean? I thought she cared

care about." I said. "I was carried away b

illed bed sheets. He tore my legs apart and fingered my virgin white pants. His pointed long fingernails tucked the edges of my pants. He nude my lower limbs and tied my expanded legs separately on the two metal standing

I entered my sensual fantasies on stage today? I opened my right eye and my ears stretched to the approach

ce. "'Stay out of politics for now.' If he cautioned me

noggin. Did someone expose my dirty parent's secrets? Must I survive within the walls of insecurit

adow-reflecting white tiles floors. Her last words (on earth) choked my spirit. ['Save yourself' – These words almost deafened my ears]. My eyes affirmed her words as true! I saw

ted and shook my withered ha

ly, I pulled up my head behind the

than guns." I whispe

muzzle on the back of my head. "If you do," he cocke

this rebellion? Did I make a mistake by hiring him? Would he do as he said? On

he asbestos ceiling above

my standing height. "I st

d winked. "Wait for the D-day

hed towards the wounded ones. Their blood spill on the tiles floors and the sky-blue walls. I met a

cting floors. The once bright and vibrant room turned into a dark one with tiny spinning lights of approaching ambulances. The folks in the ambulance were terrified to advance their tiny b

s an assassin-disguised guard? I dragged my right palm (against the friction on the

ered. "It's not what we think," he sighed, "it's what

ould mislea

he said, "n

link with dry tears of agony. Did something unusual happen today? What experience made h

my unnamed intruder-turned-lover and protector. He rested the back of his palms on the floors as if he was expecting something to drop. Did he kill hi

-cloth palm. He pulled his hand far from mine. His noggin and eyes focu

t cheek. "You're hurt. First-aid i

slightly in pain. "No other one than

I convince a rich loveable t

You do that," he pushed my head sideways with hi

One moment he was remorseful, the next, he is a devouring lion rea

inted. "That's all

say nothing

or the moment. Would he still save my

hould I still love and trust?" I sobbed aloud. Wit

He held me from behind and tapped my shoulder. He pointed at wh

s stumbled upon the one behind me too! What did they see there

ll ones, there'

. I was standing before the large screen that captured my real face.

creamed softly

I sniffed in pain, "I'll face whatever th

'two words of em

ith my bare palms. My fingers felt

ce." He said. "I stopped

ggering support. I walked into his world through his eyes. His love spirit replaced his vengeful soul. His dark

stioned his loyalty towards me without an atom of hatred in

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