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CEO Contract Wife Give Birth To Twins

Chapter 4 Nine days to live

Word Count: 780    |    Released on: 10/07/2022

g that morning. So he went early so he can be able to meet up. He got insid

Have a seat" She greeted

ou doing?"

well that I didn't feel the pains thr

it out from the brown envelope and open the booklet. He don't understand everything

was getting scared. He had heard to kidney

in." Said the doctor

thinking." Mike said. His

ving the signs six month

Mike re

r a proper check up when you star

d I thought it was just a

u be too busy chasing paper rather than

d. There was a trace of anger in his voice. He was getting annoyed of the unending q

to tell how to run it. Will you answer my question or get the hell out of my

you know who I am? I can buy th

you are capable of buying the hospital. You c

d to me. I can leave this office right now and visit anot

octor in this country will attend to you. And apart from that, I'm

n by operating o

pped. Hearing that it has done a lot of damage to his kidney made him understand he would need a kidney transplant. He had heard

die? You are scaring me" Mi

rding to the result, you still have an option.

y transplant

he only scaring side is that it's hard to find matches and even when you find, the

have other option. I can buy any drug, no

you this." She paused for a couple of seconds before she to

his heart as he heard that. This was the worst news he have ever heard. Nothing is as terrible as knowing you are going to die soo

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