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Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1225    |    Released on: 03/08/2022


sleep deep in the su


mours, they were true. The orphanage was selling some of the girls off once they came of age and I happened to be one of those unlucky girls, though lu

ark, there was a red curtain in front of me and I could hear the voice o

Why a

them, though I knew it would be pointless, I still had to try. It was of

ght, leaving me here to be gawked at by the crowd of people that were all too formally dressed, expensive suits, beautiful elegan

can see, her eyes are wild, they��re different, unique. She is a vi

ng interrupting my thoughts as I tried to get my head together, a

mean? Were these people here seeking a slave to beat into a bloody pulp or was

ere against my will, they clearly weren��t here to save me but rather turn me into their blood slave, whatever that meant, however, I did want to give them a piece of my mi

at I would be a weak little victim, if anything, they were the ones feeding into my hopes and dreams, I didn��t need to go to college, I didn��t need to work, nor did I need to stress of being able to put food on the table so that I didn��t starve to death. I wasn��t like other girls, I didn��t have any friends or family to miss, I barely had any freedom at the orphanage so I wasn

new bid for 1 billio

of whispers and as I studied them, they all turned and looked towards one man. One very stupid man to be bidding so much

umber 1 going once, goin

victory in my chest. Though this isn��t exactly how I��d choose to live, being sol

d me out of the backstage and down a long magnificently lit hallway and up an elevator until we were stood in a separate room, it was beautiful, truly, it was luxurious and elegant. Everything smelt like money in here and I wondered, when I��d be getting taken o

was more like someone you��d find in your dreams, the one that you co

mere inches away from me, only a few metal bars away and before I could

up and back out of the door, leaving


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