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Impossible Mates

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 1440    |    Released on: 03/08/2022

rs. This was when I realised it's my 16th birthday, I can find my mate today! I

loud, looking around trying to

e says, it takes me a second

o you today, what's your name?"

es me smile again, at leas

n my head, telling me to hurry downstairs, I finish my hair and

e stairs, I start to make my way to the kitchen, I don't know wh

the only person in the kitchen was Ryan,

me just stand there in a state of shock, this dude

've made a mistake," I say, still staring into

definitely mate," she says, with a hin

o their own thing and walk into the ki

ice sending shivers down my

tes, like I've been telling you

ust freeze, our parents walk in a few momen

e finally look away from Ryan who was now pacing a

my father say, but stops looking at my mum

can't be real, this is some sick joke they're playing which isn't funny. I start t

t time would be, then Ryan found out that you two were mates so we h

wly out the kitchen, I had a feeling he's known all along but

I left," he says, still following me out the kitchen, wow so eve

e my hands, but I bolt up the stairs leaving them all in the kitchen, I lock my bedroom door and start pacing tears just rollin

y door starts knocking, I put the blanket

he blankets tighter around myself, I wasn't in the talking mood "I'm no

d opening the door, pulling her i

she says, which just makes me cry again hearing her call them my parents, they're

I just gave her in while I fall on my bed crying, she finally moves pulling m

ver to the bedside table taking a bag off

" she says, sounding annoyed at them, I mean they could have to

mouth hang open in shock "yeah tell me about it," I say l

asks, I shrug my shoulders I didn't know

s, I think she was trying to t

he bag that was on the floor handing it to me, I open it

le wrapping her i

d or show them that they haven't got to you," she sa

n't know if I'm gonna be able to face hi

u, make him jealous to prove your point" she says smiling, wal

she starts pulling clothes out throwing them o

ble to resist looking at you, which is gonna make Ryan so jealous," she says, pul

lous" she growls, but I ign

getting who's gonna be there," I say,

e on," she says, pulling me over to my d

r for. I walk over to my full-length mirror where I stand shocked. I didn't recognise myself, I was wearing the short grey dress that

of white dolly shoes "I was gonna make you wear heals but I don't want

sliding shoes on. She wore kind of the same dress

hs linking arms with me, before we both walk out and do

oes no

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