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Rescued Kitten

Rescued Kitten


Chapter 1 Smuggled.

Word Count: 824    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

e P

are of me were humans, not nice ones, they don’t like me, they told me so, they forget to feed me, they don’t change me e

t cat ears and tail and me being more prone to act like the kitten I am. My hair is long and brown, it always hurt when they b

beautiful, I’ll sell for a pretty penny. I’m not mad they said they want to sell me, I don’t like them, I like someone to take care of me

ever got sold, my new owners would abuse me, but I didn’t want to believe them, they just love t

show them, I’m a really good kitten!!! For today, since it’s a big special day, I got a bath or the equivalent of the bath in this bad place, they use a hose and spray me with cold water while I cry, they then would brush my hair with too much f

my bruises before taking few pictures of me, yelling for me to get my ears up, but they are always laying agai

any sadder?”

eliver her crying and sobbing” Captor two answer him, making

e says, at least this time I’m dressed, other tim

te when they put me down to sleep, that means the icky medicine, and I’m of

h tears knowing what’s coming in next, the smell was terrible, it made me fee

eave sleeper even with the medicine, I could still feel some of the movement happening, being taken to a car, the door closing behind me, taking off on the unstable grou

the woods, I could even hear some wolves howling before we hit a big

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