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Monster Under My Bed

Chapter 4 Her

Word Count: 810    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

r P

nly chance to do so. New York, I always heard about this city, it's Ebony's city, I know she won't kill me if she

ttle would be a vampire, they are a creature of the night, ones that live forever, although most are dominant, som

looking for exactly, but I could feel their auras, most of them were looking to kill, the other half were taken. I don't know why I thought

I felt something, innocent, pure, f

ce cream, which made me smile, it's exactly what I'm looking for someone who's innocent. I'm just hoping that my tiredn

ne, one was filled with dominance, a strong person, I'd compare him to us lords, a vampire lord perhaps, but the third aura, smart, innocent, fill

bodyguards, the way they were armed and protecting their lord, I knew thi

rd too, their relation, their aura and connection, it just reminds me of my king and his pet, another person for me to envy. I turned back to the third one, wishing to go they aren't taken eithe

d, not one that you are born with, but clip on,

, the way she ate it smiling. After the ice cream, they went to the park, I followed them of course, I'm not letting her out of my sight no matter wha

my presence, I kept a distance, the game of patience was one we learn on a younge

, time to go"

ney, I saw her intelligent eyes turn to me, she didn't hear me but she looked t

and my future one with him in the back, I had to do my

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