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My little designer

Chapter 5 Naughty:

Word Count: 841    |    Released on: 05/09/2022


ent me a message with an adorable selfie when I was in a meeting. I wa

done working and ready to go home I noticed that my princess didn't message me back. Maybe she's busy wit

and no pants, I got comfortable in my bed and ca

t was denied again. I was starting to panic thinking something must have h

ick up your phone" "Baby don't

d the first flight to London so I can check o

be mad" she sent,

swer the phone for M

the phone, her face was fully red from crying? H

ed baby?" I

at me," sh

in a calm voice

too" she replie

," I say wishing I could touch

a fight "

looking anywhere but my face." Lou ans

d me a bad word and tripped me," Lou

can't hold my baby or calm her dow

, look me at Lou" I encourage

e see that pretty face," I say

e. But since this is your first offense and you told me the truth I'm going easy on you" I tell

he says and I

nd in the corner for ten full minute

t she obeyed and got out of th

somewhere I can see you," I

y in my dom voice and she stom

ttitude Lou

rn a few times but a little warning from me got her to stand still until her t

punished, Loui

d a fight"

she shakes her head no, even pouti

u" I warn her, although I had no idea how I wou

she also told me that tomorrow and the day after she's off school

ng for the perfect gift for my baby, I want to spoil

weets and a few different stuffies, I even added one of my

cided to ask for her a

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