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The Billionaire's Contact Baby

Chapter 6 Family Reunion

Word Count: 1175    |    Released on: 11/07/2022

6: Famil

they'll have it at night" Cole said cautious

time, I'm gonna head over to the kitchen and have

et?" Cole asked, a l

him weirdly before con

p on meals, especially if you're gonna be pregnant, y

, it's my Job to worry about me and my future chil

n't mean that wa

ted" Amy gave off

was starting to get used to her bitchiness, and since she's upse

and enjoyed the view, if she do

ised the pitch of her voice, jo

t her with

f in the middle of nowhere?"

tion and unless you want me to lock you up in the car, get off right

place called Kitchen, Across from it is a Pizza place, some buildin

me we're here" he said lightly, f

many times I tried to get your a

Cole asked as he got out of the

re one big loser" Amy grimanced, A loser her b

o lock her car, Not that Lakefront isn't a

out anyways?" Cole ask

ourself" A

being so Cold" Co

he found it hard to hold his l

She stated at him


n a Blue shirt and red base ball cap c

what are you doing here?" Her

gured I'll help moms around he

round then

Cole, perhaps expecting an introduc

to hurry after her, luckily there was an empty table, in

man with a pretty face, who looked a lot like the

l tousled up in a frown?" The lady s

d lately?" She rais

Amy Sighed, perhaps remembering he

here now, away from her influence"

m, been carrying blocks around

laughed, her first re

y yet?" The

before we came


want yet?" She asked

lly, I'll just have

ked, including Cole in the Co


doesn't want her to talk to Cole, few words and she'll know w

odded and

asked politely, he

Amy said

f?, I mean I presume she's t

he name, gave birth last week, so she

usly, hoping he wasn't thinking of waiting table h

telling" Cole smiled, Amy'

ingly handsome, with

fore Emily came ba

Emily smiled, unknowingly

e" She,said as she placed

smiled at the lad

ham and Coffee?" Cole

th it?" Amy asked

Allergic to

what I wanted, nice rea

enjoy y

new, would have picked at their food, but she ate hungril


home and change her clothes, I figure she wanted to calm her nerves before facing her family, Arriving at her place reminded me of what happened betw

man" the pale Skinned woman said, her sweet

eemed a litt

blem?, why don't you le

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