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Saintwood: Revelations

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1228    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

is to


ic classes such as English, math, science, and history fun, which the

oilets exploded, causing the school to shut down, so they could fix the plumbing.

u thinking?"

ouch. "This pl

Mason never enjoyed my answ

n't always abou

stood up. "People reach a certain age and

one that says straighten up and fly right, or yo

bout life. There's more to

even Dad was serious like you,

ow much you're like, Dad. You even resemb

version, even with our personalities. I

and I will handle th

wn on th

ve punished you,

w what your


r nose in othe

ble if it weren't for her personality, and Troy might help her with it.

house with Grant. "How

e. Then, I mentioned Dad, and that shut

son were close. When our parents died, Mason took it hard. Plus, it t

to Kate's bakery and entered the building as sh

me. "I hear you'r

'm havi

me an uh

le are boring and need t

have fun, but there

is deb

Mason in the family business. We must get you ther

didn't date since most girls didn't understand me

e and told Mason this when he mentioned bringing me into

omeone. I recognized Edward Morgan's kid,

to see

and Brian is around Joseph's age. I didn't know him well, but the Morgans were nothing like the Fraziers. Th

horrible. Don't get me started on th

eard a familiar,

ell. Look, wha

is idiot cronies. "I see the


getting your ass kicked ove

t's true." Marco

" Someo

ty walked towards him. Ooh, big brother

Then Marty escorted Marco away. Well, if you c

d. Let's see. I had four years to survive this shithole, Marco F


ot only did I deal with the stodgy school officials who threatened to

they weren't happy about except for Theresa, who agreed wit

se. Why does anyone need such a vast house when there are only two of them?

times. Who was I kidding? I w


ank, and Greg married women. My brother Charles attended t



e at my new house. "Here you go,

s deal going dow

ie. I'm working out

have debts to pay back before

way from the bookies.

d grand,"

you the money, bu

easy street, and I won't have to deal with my family

w do

elf. You need to chill." M



. Mason dealt with the Santiagos and the Morgan family, who didn't appreciate secret

isten. It would set in motion what's to come, causing lies upon lies. I would make the m

realize how power

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