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Save A Son

Chapter 8 Sense of Taste

Word Count: 1134    |    Released on: 12/07/2022

s Qen

oing fine, im alwa

he wanted to ask something more about his son

? how about him?

m the beginning they met to the tr

he cure to his emotional depression since Je Young is gone, recently a lot of TV Station are asking about him to be their guest chef, i only said his on vacation,

s b


o his boss, how could he thinks this way?

control, from his pocket he took out his phone and when he noticed the dot is steady on the

nd a few rings befo


ch from afar and report wh

Qen, he bought it favourite h

op, his not in a hurry but enou

warm his heart that its still hot, he need not to swipe or kno

visible to the ear, Qen didn't move

tbook, underwear, a very old handkerchief, water and notes, he even has a flashlight, he can

even though he can smell the

hen, then sound of utensils break the silence, and the wafting smell o

munched what was on his hand, and pretend his alone, and didn't h

even snatch it, he was push back and Qen lash at the table and overthrow it, food splatt

to clean everything, he felt a pang to his heart, as to how Q

wering him, even the sight of 08, boils his anger, h

me scrape and cuts on his fingers becau

f a sudden, he wanted to hug that broken boy, but his

ad ,wont be this wreck, they ruin him in the first place, and even if his kindness is reciprocate like this, he cant stop carin

when he answered the phone, blood swipe at the screen,

ught by Hiro to the infirmary to dress her wounds, the wounds are not

ort, he must comeback to his dorm or to the ro


covered with blood,.its been two weeks and Qen h

o let that chips to finish empty, he always stock another box, now he no longer need to stock chips, and those left chips were burn by him, which ange

what it was, Qen stab his legs and hands, good thing the other bodyguards arrive and Qen was taken away from him, cause if not, it'll be his last day being

ash his hands, and wrap it with gauze pad, which is always

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