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The Blood Series

Chapter 85 No.85

Word Count: 1745    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

tch their flight back to the U.K. He's left feeling that he belongs in a petting zoo. Tired and weary, and not from his time in the bush, he places a call through to Ver

the coroner. After identifying himself, he asks if it would be possible for the report on Rogers's death to be scanned in and s

u, this bloody job o

7 with wild animals all around yo

that they must have a piece of Tarzan to talk about when they get back home. I tell you, I would rather have to deal with a

ff you like water off a duck's back. Be nice to them, aft

t, you are telling me to

k mister; you know e

t blame a bloke

k that hyena thing was ba

ther the scanned report arrives

h of Inspector

f residence, it was noted that ther

n to one side. On the first impression of seeing the body, it seemed as if he had been attacked with a ser

to the attack and the blood splatter on the walls and floor, along with the hair of a l

as present and led me to conclude that he was mauled to death by a fu

been broken by the she

ote t

e I could find myself next to him in the morgue. He is not the first one that was involved in the Leopard Men Killings to

e c


off the report and

that she needs to be with friends. It would make me feel better if she was here with us, there's something going on


t the bloody gutter vroume

so easy to tease you, you can be

answered and jumps over to voice mail, so she leaves a


aces his one case in the boot of the Audi and heads for the freeway leading towards Grahamstown as the sun sets behind him. He has a killer of a date with a certain red-headed woman. In his case is a set

owards his next unsuspecting victim. He feels the car respond to his touch and with excitement flowing through him at the prospect of what's to com


naware that his tail-lights are not connected, his thoughts on the long trip to East London ahead of him. Slowly he moves his loaded consignment

s hands. Traffic in the opposite lane flies past him as if they are something in a dream. He thro

s the headlights of a car approaching him at high speed. Traveling towards him is a convoy of vehicles. He

o late he hits the breaks, the car goes into a skid and he buries the Audi underneath the trailer, the bottom of the trailer slicing off the top of the Audi as cleanly as a hot knife cuts thro


about Roger's death and Peggy tells Veronica about the suspicions of the coroner and Pie

t it's sweet of him to worry about me, after being abducted, having a black mamba as a companion, and having a close encounter with a hyena. I'm sure there'

keep in touch. Let us know if anyt

expected now and then, in any case, there was nothing of any importance i

ronica, just take care of you

d tell him to relax, not every bus


an's body is retrieved with the help of the Jaws of Life. The only identification t

operating as a mercenary and sold his talents to the highest bidde

from the Congo and had chartered a private jet from Johannesburg to Port Elizabeth. Acc


in a rage at the news of Sean's death and the fact that the woman still lived. Amos Manzi

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1 Chapter 83 No.832 Chapter 84 No.843 Chapter 85 No.854 Chapter 86 No.865 Chapter 87 No.876 Chapter 88 No.887 Chapter 89 No.898 Chapter 90 No.909 Chapter 91 No.9110 Chapter 92 No.9211 Chapter 93 No.9312 Chapter 94 No.9413 Chapter 95 No.9514 Chapter 96 No.9615 Chapter 97 No.9716 Chapter 98 No.9817 Chapter 99 No.9918 Chapter 100 No.10019 Chapter 101 No.10120 Chapter 102 No.10221 Chapter 103 No.10322 Chapter 104 No.10423 Chapter 105 No.10524 Chapter 106 No.10625 Chapter 107 No.10726 Chapter 108 No.10827 Chapter 109 No.10928 Chapter 110 No.11029 Chapter 111 No.11130 Chapter 112 No.11231 Chapter 113 No.11332 Chapter 114 No.11433 Chapter 115 No.11534 Chapter 116 No.11635 Chapter 117 No.11736 Chapter 118 No.11837 Chapter 119 No.11938 Chapter 120 No.12039 Chapter 121 No.12140 Chapter 122 No.12241 Chapter 123 No.12342 Chapter 124 No.12443 Chapter 125 No.12544 Chapter 126 No.12645 Chapter 127 No.12746 Chapter 128 No.12847 Chapter 129 No.12948 Chapter 130 No.13049 Chapter 131 No.13150 Chapter 132 No.13251 Chapter 133 No.13352 Chapter 134 No.13453 Chapter 135 No.13554 Chapter 136 No.13655 Chapter 137 No.13756 Chapter 138 No.13857 Chapter 139 No.13958 Chapter 140 No.14059 Chapter 141 No.14160 Chapter 142 No.14261 Chapter 143 No.14362 Chapter 144 No.14463 Chapter 145 No.14564 Chapter 146 No.14665 Chapter 147 No.14766 Chapter 148 No.14867 Chapter 149 No.14968 Chapter 150 No.15069 Chapter 151 No.15170 Chapter 152 No.15271 Chapter 153 No.15372 Chapter 154 No.15473 Chapter 155 No.15574 Chapter 156 No.15675 Chapter 157 No.15776 Chapter 158 No.15877 Chapter 159 No.15978 Chapter 160 No.16079 Chapter 161 No.16180 Chapter 162 No.16281 Chapter 163 No.16382 Chapter 164 No.16483 Chapter 165 No.16584 Chapter 166 No.16685 Chapter 167 No.16786 Chapter 168 No.16887 Chapter 169 No.16988 Chapter 170 No.17089 Chapter 171 No.17190 Chapter 172 No.17291 Chapter 173 No.17392 Chapter 174 No.17493 Chapter 175 No.17594 Chapter 176 No.17695 Chapter 177 No.17796 Chapter 178 No.17897 Chapter 179 No.17998 Chapter 180 No.18099 Chapter 181 No.181100 Chapter 182 No.182