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Beautifully Broken

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 4517    |    Released on: 30/08/2022

A Hu


I saw her leaning against the bleachers outside with her arms cr

nd looked at

s were warming up, "Charlie's been

the stance she had before. She leaned against the bleacher

I was hesitant when I asked, not thinking it was a very smart choice but going for it because it was hard enough t

She licked her lips, "Yeah, that's whe

y you stopp

s time, "Kind of. I use to play with Charli

ause he did?" I looked at her intently but also in fear

im and when I joined the team at the new school I transferred to, those boys weren't like the old ones. They started giving me crap about being the only girl on their

nute before I asked, "D

n't." That was all she said. It wasn't a c

asn't a big thing but for some reason I wanted to believe th

Shouldn't you be on the field?" She looke

e the rest of the team was, "Yes, I shoul

ed and lo

" I in

in trouble?" She muttered, b

eyes, "What do

second, "I'm calling you

ut being a goody-goody because t

. I watched her leave just before coach yelled out, "

mumbled quietly as she walked into the kitchen where Leo,

ed." Luke chimed as he hoppe

in his hold, "L

ked as he pulled away

oying." Leo muttered as he rolled his e

r." Ezra smirked from his s

ing away from us and opening

member when

ed him to instantly shut up. When she turned back around t

ked when he saw her walking away fro

eyebrows furrowed, "Why?

ed his eyes.

that?" She looked at him

. I could tell Tiffany was debating as she stood there looking at her cereal for a moment. Final

" Luke spoke once again, his

in amusement as he re

." She shrugged and st

is pizza."

hat said 'leave the girl alone before you piss everyone off' but from L

ything as she continu

g at Tiffany. Ezra gave Charlie what seemed to

owly swallowed her food and placed her spoon back in her ce

settled in alright." Char

look of surprise cr

a no-biggie kind of manner. "Yeah. Sh

concerned seeing as she checked up on me through you in

was thinking. He partly looked concerned, partly looked confused, an

ccer game?" Ezra spoke, sh

my head. "Against Herbro

lie scoffed. "We'r

ugh," Leo chimed in. "The odds are f

g his head. "They didn't beat us last

chances," I argued. "I he

year," Charlie stated. "Thanks to captain."

changed some of the

and scoffed, "You doubled the suicide co

ork harder to get b

es off." Leo chuckled. "Pr

ed, shaking her head lightly. "I shouldn't be

ent, "Oh man, you're get

" I looked between my friends- wh

g back in her chair. "It's just.. y


"Keep it up, Ace." Tiffany stood up, brought her bowl

, that must've hurt - being

chuckled. "Shut up. How am I a golden

ools over you, you're the best soccer player in the school �� n

nickname for golde

are all ridiculous. What'

ng manner. "You're just little miss perfect." The

w?" I grumbled as I st

mment that you're leaving." Tiffany leaned against the staircase

atter yourself. Your opinion

yebrow. "I got to pick my

brother up?" She had an amused

em to be doing anything m

repeated. "Mayb

know my brother nor do you know me well enough to get in my car and trust I

I would much rather spend my time away from

ould get use to it but it wouldn't make i

it because your actions show that it's an accurate label. Th

g where they looked like they were analyzing me.

n't I?" She asked whe

he front door. Nodding outside I

banister and walking out the door. I was surprise

She turned around and asked when I hadn't move. I laughed and shook

d been driving for a few minutes. She fiddled with the radio stati

He doesn't like driv

op when I had come to a stop sign that I didn't notice sooner because

She exhaled, he

shut as she gripped so tightly on the se

used her to flinch so I pulled my hand back. "Sunshi

't look at me. Her hands slowly released the seat belt, h

n concern she looked at me and raised her eyebrows, "it's a stop sign, not a

back. I shook my head and focused b

d, glancing at her for a brief sec

onds before she looked out the wind

you seem on edge and

ever o

're always calm and just analyzing

he questioned, confusion in her

can get out and feel the ground under your feet." I looked at her from the corner of

but just your driving I'm waiting t

after that, I stopped outside the familiar house

prised at the question. "What?" She questioned. "Migh

ad, though. All of us, in general, used to be clo

response but did

you guys stayed in touch even thou

and I are closer though." Her voice was firm and eyes were locked straight ahead out the windo

d. "None of us know a lot about him. Ever since he mo

e wasn't at school because he was with me. He use to live in Saratoga Springs until he moved here because my aunt and

ound more too." I noted, making sense of the

ful to have him but Ezra understood things better because he was actually there when they were happ

of his friends house and started walking to the car. I finally felt like I was getting thro

muttered awkwardly a

friend Tiffany. Tif

rrowed her eyes. I was expecting her to

oked at her

at said 'can you not see w

d out the window. "It's not a big deal. Not

brother, not looking at him. "Just not a fan. D

ooked between the two of them but they b

d to do." Braxton gave me an irrit

s me what the tension is about." I rai

none of my business." Tif

retorted, narrowing down his eyes at the back of

straight face and emotionl

looks." Braxton muttered quietly

want to stop before it ruins your life, okay? That's all I'm saying. Aside from that, I'm not judging you because I don't know you and I d

around and crossed her arms over her ches

er eyes irritably. "Are you really telling me you ha

and then looked at Braxton wi

window, "Took you long enough to cat

ou? You're really going to ruin your life by doing that especially after se

go home?" Bra

de sense. Some of his actions and his attitude all made sense but I didn't know how I wa

, we got to my house. Braxton rushed out of

keys out of the ignition, "am I

ook me by surprise but I kept my face neutral so she

can lead to bad decisions that can cause a lot of harm." Once again, I noticed the distant look in her eyes. She was here but her mind w

ht on right when you met him." My sta

le." That was all she said before she quickly chan

he car door. "You can meet my other brother who I th

me inside my house anyways. Almost instantly

iled. "This is my

ght and stuck out her hand with a small

her a big hug causing her to laugh as she almost fell over. "Hi, I am

"it is very nice to meet you, Colton

e grabbed her hand and started dragging her thr

a scared looked but was smiling as Colton pulle

grinned as he brought Tiffany into the lounge room where my oth

eet as she stood in the room like a deer

eo game. "I've seen you around school. We have Eng

." She smil

eek which caused Tiffany's eyes to widen in surprise. "I am Adriel. The oldest and

over her chest. She narrowed her eyes, "

Adriel feigned a

ntioned as I took a seat on the couch and grabbed the ba

ed quietly as she came ove

tle bro?" Adriel came back to his seat and grabbed

I rolled my eyes, my voice light and jok

sence is always a delight. I can show you if you wan

oes up, "I think I'm do

ickly destroying Adriel who was distracted in the game, then getting up. He picked Co

again soon, okay?" C

and smiled, "I

us with a smirk and his eyes narrowed.

ho looked stunned. Her cheeks tinged pink e

of Braxton." She muttered q

e bag between the two of us so she could reach it easily. "Braxton's

n... he probably feels like he's hiding behind Cade

relationship with Charlie? It made a bit of sense because Charlie


st mean it would make sense, being a twin and all. I... I don't uh �� wel

r chin and turned her to head so she was facing me.

was cliche and absurd because Tiffany would probably pluck a

ause I didn't like her like that. We just seemed t

d barley above a whisper. We were so close I

ced down to my lips for the most brief second that

interrupting? Stupid question. Yes I am. My

instantly pulled away from each other, Tiffany awkw

re to Cade who rambled like an idi

ve me home," Tiffany sto

nodded and stood up, follo

ind of awkward with no sound except

wonder was what would've happened if Cade

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