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The Complex Art of Rosie

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2304    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

Think o

d every day. She held the book she was reading in her left hand while

he was best friends with Tamara. Rosie expected him to show up whenever he wanted, like he always did. She

chen, smiling when he saw R

o the kitchen. He usually greeted her but there was never much mo

m awak

response, her eyes sta

nd was still sleeping. He hopped up onto the counter t

look at him, just to see he was alread

the last time I read a boo

lacing the book down. "Y

flashed with co

with pancakes on the counter. "Breakfast for T

out getting off the counter. He helped himself to open the drawer he knew the utensil

them sat in silence and ate their own breakfasts; Rosie stayed busy reading her book while Anthony found himself intrigued as he watched her read. Only a f

oning look, growing s

He cleared his throat. "Pancakes are real good. Why eat c

placing her book down.

elief at the idea. "Don't get me wrong, I don't mind Froot Lo

hful answer: 'I don't like big meals in the morning, they make me nauseous'. But she

gged yet again. H

is head as he looked at her. "Maybe I'm asking too much,

didn't know why he would want to continue talkin

ed how to word his thoughts. "You don't like it

spot on and she was surprised he picked up on that

I ask

ooking down at the remain

eone odd and complicated. Long enough for me to expect it and not care because it's just who I am. Tamara makes me feel like I'm broken, when I'm not. I'm just the way I am. I don't want to feel like a charity case. When she gets mad at people or starts to defend me or explain my ways, I feel even more messed up, I feel like I'm an embarrassment or a disappointment even more than I normally feel that way anyways.

rst time she knew exactly how to explain herself. That was how she wa

ietly, her tone void of any emotion. She stood and brought her bowl over to the

s dishes in the dishwasher befor

poke again. "What you think of yourself is much m

t not care what other people think of me, she though

you don't care. Some of us only ever wish t

longer before she finally walked out o

her sketchbook out, laying on her st

rom the kitchen, her voi

e turned up the volume of her music and let he

est, glaring at Anthony was nonchalantly flipping

fraid to show it. "I've been here for three hours an

actically stomping her feet. She was extra cra

oud enough to block out most of Tamara's wailing whines. Rosie wa

mainly so unwanted guests wouldn't barge in or so tha

a failed to res

Tamara looking disheveled as she e

look up from

, like the little child s

doorframe with his arms crossed over his chest. He looked at Tamara in

ng her legs criss-cross and shutting her sketchbook. Rosie looked between Anthony and Tamara, sudd

ie's room, intrigued and in awe at the artwork taped up on her walls.

limits. Even to Tamara, most of the time. Rosie bounced out of her bed, shifting around

we make mac and cheese or something?

wing the two would leave if she did. It was the only way to

wing Rosie out of the room. I

d the room one last time before also turning and fo

ld burn water while boiling it - that's how terrible of a cook Tamara was. Rosie sighed as she leaned against the counter and watched the water boil. She had no interest in listening to Anthony and Tamara's child-like taunting and bickering with each other. She wanted her

c and cheese if someone h

onto the coffee table. "They were kindly offered to me, s

cakes always wait for me to wake up!" Ta

up cranky, and this time didn't have food waiting for her. Rosie,

both their voices. She made the mac and cheese as quickly as she

cousin you have. Making you

er chores," Tamara mumbled, scrol

mara. He walked over to stand beside Rosie who was n

not looking away fro

ooking at Rosie as she worked away. His ey

gged in

resting on his face. "Man, that does smel

d seen her artwork. It wasn't something she necessarily hid

small laugh. Disbelief was written all over his f

pulled out a dish to pour the mac

g complete attention to their conversation. "No need to be so h

flinch at the sudden noise and Tamara to look up from her ph

lled out after her as Rosie had alre

r, Rosie had walked back out of her room but this time, she had her shoulder bag

allowing down the spoonful of food she had al


t, Rosie had

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