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Author: petuniash

Chapter 1 No.1

Word Count: 810    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

bit of writing letter

r emotions out, simply for herself, nobody else to see or read. She was emb

der brother said. He walked into the libra

s a junior. Jack was popular, had a lot of friends, loved to party, was on the basketball and football team, got a

. She was shy and a nice girl but didn't like attention and was afraid to

p, stopping wr

eyebrow, "Want t

y always was. She hated being the centre of attention, she hated bri

ster as he stood beside the table. "I

to her neat writing on the

tched as her brother patted her shoulder before walking off, catching up with some guys who w

so quickly. She quickly stood up and scrambled to gather all her things, wanting to get to class

the end of the day to head home. She wai

you A

before. She was stunned, almost shaking in her shoes when she saw Leo

e who's way you'd want to get in. He was the type of guy who would flirt with a lot of girls, stand around by his sports car and smoke cig

to him before. She had noticed him many times because she was

ords out, shifting on her feet

too high on the social ladder for him to ever communicate with Annie so she was rather shocked he was even standing

he keys." She suddenly was filled with panic, unsure of what she h

te. He found it cute how panicked she g

e good." He gave her another lo

alk away. She didn't understand what just happened. She wonde

eant and what she could have done for him to notice her but did

eady to

. She quickly shut her mouth a

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