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Home Again

Chapter 3 Night Out-01

Word Count: 1505    |    Released on: 01/09/2022

asked angrily. I was already planning

me,�� he answered, loo

ple didn��t treat someone in my family with respect and the fact that Leo was Arianna��s little brother didn��t help. ��I��m telling Lucca,�� I turned to stomp away before remembering that Lucca was with our father on the docks. I wasn��t allowed there unless I was w

and finding Arianna so I could give her a message for her younger brother. I pulled my

a couple of rings. She sounded d

asked her as I f

ng so stupid. He is suggesting that I ma

he let you marry who you want. I can't believe he is being so old school. What does your mom say?�� I rambled off

t and that I would learn to love him,�� she growled the ending. I scoffed. This was really unbelievable. ��You haven't even h

n think of something.�� Ant was a second cousin that used to run the family in Italy but moved here after coming to help fight a little war my dad was dealing with. He gave the family over to his brot

answered in his Italian accent

calm down. Dad taught me that acting with feelings can lea

ckle, ��what ca

about Gia��s ar

. What are you

someone from Italy. Gia said Dad agrees with it!�� I ne

d agree to anything like that. Not after

don��t understa

her and see what I can find

w I could count on

ng tone. Ant hated making promises. In fact, he did do it in case he couldn��t keep it. I hu

d I missed that connection we had sometimes. I knew that when it really came down to it, he would be there but sometimes I felt like others were more imp

I sighed and sat on my bed, looking at my feet. Lucca sat ne

She was an only child and he always felt it was his duty to protect her. ��She hasn��t even dated since that scum Di

him now. ��Believes that an arranged marriage is a good thing.�� I watched Lucca��s face

t his hand on the handle before turning back to me, ��try to cover your asses this time though. I don��t need a repeat of the last time we went out.�� He didn��t see me roll my eyes as he left. The last time wasn't even that bad and my dress wasn��t that short. Some guy, I think his name was Shawn, just liked the color

ome over and to bring something cute for us both to wear since I hide all my fun clothe

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