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Small Town Lights

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 1005    |    Released on: 06/09/2022


se as I sat up. I grabbed my head when pain shot through it. Hangovers sucks

you," I

ut you weren't having it. The crying definitely did

g, please. How bad was the crying?" I a

felt like you screwed everything up and you

t," I flopped ba

and I told her to bring Maddy there and you can pick

smiled genuinely at her. She really w

and I laid back down on the couch. Maybe closing my

sibilities were the norm in my life. I sighed and got up and realized that my car was at home. I had ridden to graduation with my parents yesterday and

ry Daisy owned, to get Maddy. Daisy had been running the bakery and for almost a year now and Maddy loved

my mother sitting at the furthest back ta

the dough for cookies," she a

hat I appreciate everything you and Daddy do for Maddy and I," I

may not have been ideal to get pregnant when you did but you made the most of it and took responsibility. And Maddy is turning out amazing

kitchen. "Daisy let me eat some of the cookie dough," she

from behind the count

ked her as I appr

she asked me to create her website and of course I did free of charge. I was now fixing it free of charge whenever she needed me to. Not that I minded. I love what I do. There was a reason that I went to school to do it. When I got done fixing the problem, I can out of

her hand. I hugged my mother with my free arm and

't seen them in nearly a week since they had got to L.A. for his graduation. I knew she didn't have much of a sense of time since she was

t home yet,

stopped me by kicking her feet. "I can do it, Momma," she told me sternly, like she did every time. I held my hands up in surrender and watched her struggle to pull the belt out enough in order for it to re

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