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The Fallen Angel

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 4261    |    Released on: 06/09/2022

their own rules when it came to humans. The main rule from both realms were to leave the humans to decide for themselves, possessing humans was punished by banishment, where th

that to their advantage to win t

with Adam as they talked and looked unhappy. Curi

st on his chest and bowed slightly. "What

possessed human on my last carry. Is that w

el no

on down there?"

hink everything that was thought about. He looked at his brother undoubtedly ashamed but knew this was the right thing to do. He needed to g

re you

ck to stop this myself and win the war for The Almighty, for all of us." He yanked his wings off of his back screaming painfully as he di

ome back unless the Almighty allows it!

the pounding heartbeat started. While clenching his teeth and still falling he thrashed and contorted until he hit the water, thrashing back and forward as he did so. He knew his actions would get him penalized and kicked out of heaven for

gels. He could still see demons and other angels, but after awhile even that would fade.

face every time she closed her eyes. If they were truly after her she needed to know how to fight them and what to do from now on. Going

mine! H


coming engulfed in flames while demons roamed and people were being dragged to hell. Someone turned to face her wit

irst instinct was to attack and she punched the intruder only to be caught by his fist

n." The v

and used her fists to punch down. She stopped seeing the green eyes she recognized, but not his face. To be cautious though she still tried to punch down to have he

ice wasn't as angelic as before, but she did. She

eyes wandered over his masculine body over and over. She cleared her throat as she looked away once his penis started to react to her lo

wings were gone. He had a smooth man's body now that he defiled his Angel status to find the plot against the Almighty. His jaw tightened as he realized the extent of

ng and there was a soft knock at the door. "Stay in here. It must be Xavier." She walked out the

Xavier looked up towards the bedroom with his eyes wide as

ally naked and unashamed of his body being exposed. "Gabriel can you stay back there? C

etective. You fo

him and trying not to brush against his erecti

ointed to Gabriel, but talked to Jasmine with anger in

carrier of souls." Gabriel placed his

l?" Xavier looked to J

very stressed as her hands rested on her forehead. Nobody spoke to the other as the more the time went on, the more embarrassed she felt

ng? Jasmine you go first..." Xavier st

ine replied. "This could endan

e him out of something that was clearly happening in the world. He could feel that whatever shit Jasmine was in was fai

m here. The demon that was inside your prisoner Rolio, was a

s up. "Wait carrier?

using Xavier's mind to burst as he tried to ke

ere created because spirits roamed the earth after death and never found peace. Thus we were born to help them, guide them to the Almighty. Lucifer saw the army grow and th

than God? What will he do then" Jas

hty by many names. Believi

man." Xavier chimed in a

never the Almighty. The Almighty has no such ties to this world. Almighty created angels in celestial likeness, but th

His eyes even shifted down to look at the floor. Telling them would be the cause of it to happen. Could he trust these humans that The Almighty placed so much faith in? He looked at his hands a


Angels didn't possess human qualities so once he took off his wings and fell to earth the human within him was starting to take effect. If he stayed any l

er to Xavier's. "I tore off my wings so that does not happen. We have to find this Mafia boss. I believe Lu

Xavier asked, as he le

ly is it against the rules, but

s. It's always demons they have to exorcise." Jasm

r protected for a reason and not too long after you showed up she was attac

seem to shake that everything about Angels and demons were real and not some fairy tale. The fact that the demons were a

ine if Lucifer got his hands on your soul, your power. The things that can be

Now that the fate of the world rested on her shoulders they felt heavy and sagged and her eyes widened even

k to the window. Gabriel walked up to her, hesitating to place his hands on her shoulder as she did to comfort him. He was unsure of what w

even pray." She started to confess. "I stopped believing in God a long time ago. I stopped having faith for humanity a long time ago. No one is worthy

l argued, but she turned to him. Eye

t and turned to Xavier who was off his phone conversation. She angrily wiped her eyes and nodded. "It's Amelia F

ith a nervous laugh that no one else chimed in on. He cle

Gabriel replied. They

sh to give the elderly a heart attack."

ack?" His eyebrows rose in curiosit

the door leaving Gabriel and Jasmine alone. He wanted to talk about her outburst. It was clear she didn't look at her gifts as such.

th some sneakers. Something stretchy enough to support Gabriel's size. H

shed them

body like a second skin. Gabriel was almost too afraid to move too much or the fabric would surely rip under pressure, he even placed his curly strands in a ponytail. Jasmine tried to look away

, but yet so small all at once. His senses were on the roof. Smells pierced his nose of all kinds, some good some bad. His eyesight picked up on ever

to walk among them, now to be protecting one of them, one who didn't even believe would surely be an eye opening experience.

sive and covered the person's soul as one of the carriers took off into the sky disappearing among the clouds. The other's head turned slowly as if he recognized Ga

Almighty, delving in the atmosphere of humankind. Luckily Xavier drove off once the light turned green and Gabriel did

could see them as well. He was stunned for a moment as if ca

e replie

ing I don't see?" Nobody answered him. "Yeah Got it."

y one allowed in and to be careful. He and Gabriel would wait in the waiting room for her since they we

right now what is your plan?" Gabriel looke


what i

he is planning I will go back to my celest

are you going to

in the tone of his voice that Ga

avier asked, urging him further. "You have no cloth

ed to say was out in the open. "And why not?" Gabriel

t you out of a crowd. I'm only trying to look after her." Xavier replied, clearly telling the truth, but also lyi

?" Gabriel asked, tryi

at's all." Xavier r

then. "I hear the word friend around a lot. I consider

s and sisters since God...I mean The A

ary, but many of us were spirits trained to be angels. The protectors of the paradise." Gabriel looked towards X

surprise. "N

ust that. Regardless of my presence, Jasmine is in danger. If you cared about her then you should want her protected." Gabri

angels remember their past life?"

memories of a past life fades

out your life before...How did you die?" Gabriel looked up towards a column in the middle of the

to the hospital and was after answers. Xavier looked over to

pirit in her hand. She paused, her job was to get an answer from him. He walked into a dark

ou doing? Where are your wings?" Her eyes op

one. Nothing more. The Almighty doesn't know what is really happening on earth, Sim

Come back with me now before it's too late." Simahel gra

an to serve The Almighty. I do so happily, freely, and I take my job very seriously, but I am a warrior who has been fighting this war for souls for centuries. This is what is best for everyone."

h curiosity, her transparent body now in his hands as flashes of the girl's life flashed before his eyes. She was happy and sma

abriel's eyes. "Perhaps the Almighty has gotten fed up with helping them. The creations The Almighty loves more than all others are the ones that are causing the m

off all around them then. Xavier stood, hands on the handle of his gun. Gabriel looked up on the floor as he heard scr

the fourteenth floor." X

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