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Aunt Jane's Nieces out West


Word Count: 1900    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

baby-went for a ride into the mountains, while Beth and Patsy

rls and came tottering toward them. Tottering is the right wo

n an undertone. "I have the feeling that

or him, although he end

better this morni

oubtfully. "I don't seem to g

r before your acc

ps I was not strong enough to do that. I-I'm very care

ce, during which the gi

n this hotel?" demanded

k. It is very pleas

u had br


the open door of the dining-hall and laying aside



Then she took his hand and marched hi

but made no resistance. Seated at a sm

olate, a soft-boiled

," he said; "I thought

ve ordered is for you, and you're going to


omed. Well, you're going t

the d

doctor, now, and I won't send

er with his sa

r high-handed proce


ed you as my phys

eliberately put you


e, you tagged us h

't mind,

ond place, you confided to us your disease and your t

e on and-I'm so lonely-and you all seeme

real trouble. Do you realize what it is? You're


your famous speci


ool advice. You don't need sympathy, Mr.


what you're going to get

the emotions from amazement to terror during Patsy's tirade and now he gazed from her firm, determined features to

more sugar in your chocolate? Taste it and see. And if you don'

r steadily now,

t joking,

dead e

realize this

e so. You used to eat like

I was

, strengthening food. I came near ordering you

d the ch

t seems to me such a breakfast is worth months of suffering. How delicious this

end-a friend in need. And don't choke down your food. Eat slowly. Fletcherize-chew your food, yo

as personally responsible for whatever result might follow this radical treatment for dyspepsia. Had she been positive it was dyspepsia, she would never have dared interfere with a do

but his protests being overruled he accepted his food and its possibl

from him. She also denied him a second cup of chocolate. H

rising, "let us go and inquire the address of a good undertaker. I have made my will, and

replied, trying to repress a shudder as sh

octor forbade it; so

a cigar. Then you may sit bes

e habit; but this advice to young Jones was given in desperation, because all the men of her family stoutly affirmed that a cig

you do,

ed h

e real


Beth. "What n

ck. The boy was coming toward them, coolly puffing a cigar. He did not seem

asked Beth, regar

pampered with all the good things of


ok his

I'm not able to say good-bye to you, please accept now my thanks for all your kindness to a strang

ns?" dema

omething is bound to happen?" he inquired,

You're going

Beth's nimble fingers. Patsy was to

e old enough to smo

er twen

ided you were a

ded as a mere child. That is because I had no brothers and sisters, and my

embarrassed way,


ld child

nied the satisfaction of her curiosity. Within the last hour she had felt as if sh

is A. Jones


the 'A' s

t last. He hesitated, flushing

es, so that to be a Jones is to bear the proudest name known to mankind.' When I was born they were undecided what to name me. 'There is no hurry about it,' said my father; 'whatever we call him, he is a

ping her hands gleefully. "Then 'A'

s," said the boy, making a wry

afterward? What was the chi

nd others quickly caught up the horrid nickname. It is merely a

r sweet voice giving the

would be pron

not Spanis

re your

like myself I suppose, Sangoans by birth. But there



silence fo

yet?" inq

your permission I'll lie down and take

moked nearly to the end, and rising wit

ken, I wonder?"

s crossed the Rubicon and is going

that Ajo also feels it in his bo

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