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My FAIR Lady |FAIRVERSE Book ~ 1|

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2360    |    Released on: 05/09/2022

ch felt relaxed. It was cold and I found myself trapped without an exit. I then blinked; the very next moment I found myself sta

hioned photograph, everything a shade of grey; This was the kind of darkne

er walking for what felt like an hour I found myself standing at the same crossroad. I was confused as hell but I took the courage and walked down the road to the right hoping for an exit. Before long I realized I was stuck in a vicious spiral of maze. No matter the road I took, I kept coming back to the same spot. But I couldn’t stop myself from moving, going round and round in circles, desperately trying to find a way out. Every time I ended u

my eyes abruptly and sat up, Lena was besi

lized I was breathing heavy, as if I had just ran a marathon. I drank the feedback of my senses a

ure you are okay?” She placed her hand on my

was just a bad dream.” I smiled at her and

htmare I doubted any sleep would grace me for the rest of the night. I’ve been having weird dreams and nightmares for a while now. The bags under my eye

rying pitch and volume. It sounded like a disco for the anti-Christ. A very irritating one at that. I was drowsy and tired as hell and the noise was maddening me. I jolted up, smashing the snooze button as hard as I possibly

e and hone the talents of their students. Hence the various club activities

mo. She loved music as if it was her personal brand of cocaine and wanted everyone she met to share the same passion. But otherwise she was a good-na

r arrogant triumph, sneered - just a small pouting of the lips; a narrowing of the eyes and a tilting of the head. It was so subtle, it was even more infuriating for me, only who had caught a glimpse of it. There was only on

the same regime as the boy just now did. I knew how it felt to be abandoned and discarded. But scared as I was towards human relationships, when I decided to live for myself I decided I would not interfere with one’s life no matter the happenstance. I had too many open w

rner hollered to quiet down the class. Everyone’s head snapped to m

aldez. Will you please come forth

this. I hated t

y. But now, I was known as ′Princess Detention’. I was the center of everyone’s attention. But not in a good way. It was their way of ostracizing me, but it’s not like I tried to do something about

trembled as I touched the piano and every memory of dad came rushing back to me. It was as if all those years had passed in a matter of seconds and that night came surging back to me. For once again I was lost in the torrid vortex of the moment. I knew I was fore

shocked eyes. “Are you feeling okay Miss Valdez?” She looked worried. I heard the whole class prattling

nauseated. It’s nothing.” I tried to smil

he suggested and I nodded in response. Skipping class sounded s

clanging that echoed throughout the school. I got to my desk and was about to g

by.” Her smile was as fake as an amateur actor on her first day on set. The corners of her lips fought to fall down and reveal her true self. But she knew she couldn’t let that happen if she wanted to be the center of attention at all times. She needed to act kind and cool and collected, like a wolf in sheep’s clot

in the astronomy club. I hope you don’t mind.” I smiled back at her, or at least tried to smile. And I could see she minded

my club, tell me when you change your mind, okay?” With that, she sauntere

would normally chill me, considering I was used to the noise around me. But somehow this was different. The silence almost seemed to have caressed me, soothed my soul and took away my jagged edges. For as long as I can re

y fingers were already moving over the keys, fluid and crisp in their movement. Music fills the air without effort, like the waves filling holes in beach sand; the sound rushing in and around my soul. Eventually, I

all it a day. But the feeling of fulfilment couldn’t compare with the regret. I smiled to mysel


reamy look on his face. I was used to him being insolent and having a scowl cemented to his face at all times. I tried to walk past him without making eye contact. Getti


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