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Bad Hugh


Word Count: 1872    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ile her long, glossy hair, loosened from its confinement of ribbon and comb, cov

ue you look,"

ft and pleasing, "was Charlie g

mber how he used to look. I should not have known him, but my impr

only thirty-eight,

age remarkably well," John said, laughingl

a's voice falt

you marry

e flush deepened on his chee

you marry th

heap of wrong for somebody to answer for, but it is not you, and it is not me-it's-it's mothe

father had more to do with it than mother. I've never seen him since.

s not far from the narrow way which leadeth unto life. To John her white face, irradiated with gleams of the s

is not to blame. She cruelly reminded me that by my father's will all of us, save you, were wholly dependent upon her, and said the moment I threw myself away upon a low, vulgar, penniless girl, tha

sconstrued my words. Surely my note ex

id, while Anna sighed at this

ory, however, sh

are bound up in you. A poor, unknown girl would only add to our expense

ered: "I called her Lily,

r granted, so now she thought within herself, "Lilian, most li

pression as if he wished she would question him more closely, but

u like. I only thought, maybe,

rable wretch, and have scarcely kno

ne?" Anna asked;

hen I landed in New York I went at once to find her, or at least to inquire, hoping she'd forgotten me. The beldame who kept the place was not the same with whom I had left Lily, but she know about h

had ceased, "You say this Lily was good. Do

d to make a villain like me kneel with he

e circumstances which could have brought her brother every night

een your wife, so I'd try to think it happened for the best, and you'll soon get to believing it did. That's my experience. You are young yet, and lif

ondering how she would look to him who might have married the daughter of a count. He had not told

or two at the hotel, nearly two years ago, and made so many inquiries about us and our place, pretend

s he?" John asked

d himself

ling back so that his face was

d head, with keen gray eyes, sandy mustache, and a scar or something on his right temple. Are you cold?" and she tur

s necessary to appear natural, he answered to Anna's inquiry, t

this Bronson. He heard our ho

; and the landlord suggest

r told him so," and

m, he behaved so strangely," Anna said, looking wonderingly at

art for possessing so little insight into the genu

ean that I never told any one t

e said, and very in

, have teased Eudora, by telling her he came here to see he

o the house?" John as

e sure, with marks of dissipation, but very g

rmed, as we never dreamed of selling. He took his leave, looking back all the way through the park, and evidently examining minutely the

re say, and you were fortunate, all of you, in no

oors locked," was

, and was glad of an excuse for ret

e what effect the new carpet would have upon him. It did not have any at first, so much was he absorbed in that man with the scar upon his temple. Why had he come there, and why had it not been told him before? His people wer

him to stop and pretend to buy Terrace Hill. The rascal!" and having thus satisfactorily settled it in his mind, the doctor did look at Anna's carpet, admiring its pattern, a

her fair head was pillowed again upon the manly arm of one who listened while she chided him gently f

e were visions of a lonely grave in a secluded part

h she and

aggered in his sleep, just as he staggered d

's child. May Lily

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