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Paradise Island


Word Count: 2224    |    Released on: 14/07/2022

d even at midnight, there are still many

usy and no one sleeps for the sake of the party and ot

o what the young man was saying, at that point, Jobelle felt

their house. The house is small, and the roof is galvanized but the pillars and w

to make any noise on the concrete floor. The two went to Jobelle's room and there she turned on the light in her room. Her small room is nice, with a bed, study table a

sending me home," Jobell

or a while because he was so drowsy but he wanted to rest in his seat, he tried to sp

R is ok?" Dianne was still uneasy as sh

still didn't lose the length of his patience

obelle will not let something bad ha

0 yrs old anymore, besides he's a man. H

ger in this place." Di

, he knows Mr. A in this place despite his power… nothing will happe

rest first guys, it's almost 2 am the chickens are crowing. Come on let's sleep. ” JM said that they need to rest and maybe Dianne can't do anything at that time but r

mm ……

g his puffy eyes. He seemed to be distracted for a while until he registered in his min

to get back to the resort because his strict sister was worried if she was awake

eep well?"

and I'm sure my little sister and my friends are worried especially Mr. A. ” Jon

you outside," J

rl's parents they slowly moved out of the house. Jobelle c

o meet you and I'll see you so

r but spread her smile on her lips an

pity. He felt that his chest was throbbing very hard. Jonathan don't waste any more

ila." Dianne frowned as she drank the steaming coffee. They were all awake at no

came home here at dawn, he also thinks that maybe we are all worried about him… he told us before we went back

leepless before. I think that maybe he

older and he knew what are the consequences of his action

d then she sighed, somehow the shar

a girl… .. Dianne's voice suddenly weakened and calmed down as she

et." Suddenly, the newly awakened Jonathan interrupted… he greeted each oth

and stood up in her seat ready to turn around a

let me go," she seems to be worried

there is no one who begged and acted to s

ke me down,"

e table while she was in bed and we do not even realize that it would be morning then, I woke up at almost 5 am and I knew your eyebrows were

?" Dian



your temper." Jonathan walked quickly away from his sister

JM is already rolling on the floor with a lo

ME DOWN !!!!!! AHHHHHHHH" Dianne shou

took care of Jobelle last night. I don't know but there is something special about her that I can't

I knew you were hurt when you found out I broke up with Patrice and I changed… .but to tell you the truth I was also hurt by what he did to Kevin, the truth is she fell in love with a richer man and she told me I wasn't good enough. Maybe I wasn't good enough

hat I felt towards Marvin, I didn't see all those years that you were also hurt because you kept a secret from us about your breakup with Patrice but then i

properly and I didn't consider your feelings that you are also w

re." Jonathan tickled Dianne on every

are to avoid the brother’s harassment. They chased each other and that's where the laughter and a bit of bonding ended

accommodated by the barracks, they simultaneously hugged, shook hands, and waved to the foreigners before

xes it and your car engine is badly damaged and I think it will take a few m

umentary video so maybe we stay for a

see you ar

replied th

ards and other staff. They boarded them in a van. Marvin

ang Estrella

he shaded man tog

a share business partner of M


put away the food. ”

lp you." Ma

take the leftovers. ” And Rigor follow

ped for a moment when he felt tha

I lost m

t it in the room

runk last night, I knew

g on the dance floor. There are many foreigners in this

faraway place now. We don't know the m

w much Manang? ” it was Aj who

to have ignored what happened first because he

ocumentary video from today.

ect day… it's okay

pose here isn't it?"

n we use a vide

ra with video included. ” AJ climbed

e has a proud v

et us go !!!” Jonathan's voice

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1 Chapter 1 JOURNEY2 Chapter 2 DEATH3 Chapter 3 PARADISE ISLAND4 Chapter 4 STRANGER5 Chapter 5 REVELATION6 Chapter 6 VIDEO PRESENTATION7 Chapter 7 RECONCILLATION8 Chapter 8 MYSTERY9 Chapter 9 INTENSE QUARREL10 Chapter 10 NIGHTMARE11 Chapter 11 WARNING12 Chapter 12 TRUE MOTIVES13 Chapter 13 INTENSE SUSPICION14 Chapter 14 DANGEROUS ESCAPE15 Chapter 15 HIDING PLACE16 Chapter 16 CAVE17 Chapter 17 NEW HOPE18 Chapter 18 ANOTHER TERROR19 Chapter 19 JOURNEY20 Chapter 20 THE BIG BOSS21 Chapter 21 FEAR AND APPREHENSION22 Chapter 22 SAN CARLOS23 Chapter 23 HAVING FUN24 Chapter 24 BURNING WITH DESIRE25 Chapter 25 THE RETURN26 Chapter 26 ARGUMENT27 Chapter 27 ANNOYANCE28 Chapter 28 LAVISH PARTY29 Chapter 29 DEAD DRUNK30 Chapter 30 UNDERSTANDING FEELINGS31 Chapter 31 CONSTANT AVOIDANCE32 Chapter 32 DEFUSE33 Chapter 33 DISCOVER34 Chapter 34 FLARE UP35 Chapter 35 RELEASE OF RESENTMENT36 Chapter 36 PLEASURE37 Chapter 37 MEMORIES OF CHILDHOOD38 Chapter 38 DARE39 Chapter 39 DROWNING40 Chapter 40 UNITE41 Chapter 41 CONFUSION42 Chapter 42 ROMANTIC DINNER 43 Chapter 43 FURY44 Chapter 44 DEAD BODIES45 Chapter 45 THE PRETENDER46 Chapter 46 UNTOLD STORY47 Chapter 47 RESEARCH48 Chapter 48 PLAN49 Chapter 49 OLD MEMORIES50 Chapter 50 SECRET RELATIONSHIP51 Chapter 51 SHATTERED HOPE52 Chapter 52 BETRAYAL53 Chapter 53 REVENGE54 Chapter 54 SUICIDAL NOTE55 Chapter 55 SACRIFICE56 Chapter 56 OLD BUILDING57 Chapter 57 PREDATOR58 Chapter 58 CREEPY DREAM59 Chapter 59 ENDLESS ESCAPE60 Chapter 60 AGONY61 Chapter 61 FIRING SQUAD62 Chapter 62 END