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My Mate Tempting Desire

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1095    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

rary for words to use to fill up the assignment booklet. She knew that Mr. Montes wasn't going to

ss was filled up with students and she had no better seat than the one at the back, the lecture ha

a felt like something unusual was off. It was thirty

nt the accident to really happen, she was only just pissed a

can I get my

ntes voice was getting into her head? Wh

rofessor. The class was quiet. Samantha knew that a pin dropped to the f

he had done wrong this time. He glared at her disgustedly like she w

chanting one. "I had expected to have your assignment on my desk

thought__" Samanth

p Ms. Holmes and quit tasting my patienc

inking his eyes shut before opening them. He trudged ba

" He apologized w

was gelled and combed neatly as he pulled open his laptop, Samantha dropped her gaze to her lap when their eye

class as a tap was felt on her shoulder. She looked up

his nam


to collect your number the other day, I hope you don't mind me h

to give her a warning. He began to teach the main objective of the day, she didn't even stare up at him. She tr

Mr. Montes say. She glared up to notice h

an most of you know a lot about the book, right?" He asked but

he class chor

and it happens that I'm i

ut two young Italian young lovers whose death ultimately reconciles their feuding families.

"Ms. Holmes, what do you know about the two lovers?" He asked. Samantha wondered why

overpowering force that supersedes all values of loyalties and emotion. Shakespeare presents their initial meeting as flirtatious and true. 'To smooth that rough touch with a tender kiss' Romeo felt he

tha couldn't ignore the smile that was swelling inside of her, especially

uliet. Any volunteers as Romeo?" He asked even if he was hesitant to ask

own. "Why, I know I would be perfect with our Juliet here," John said, making M

the weird thought out of her head. Samantha didn't have an issue playing Juliet, she had always loved

ad more to discuss about Romeo and Juliet as they ventured on more dram

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