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Captured A Demon's Heart

Chapter 2 Soiree

Word Count: 1035    |    Released on: 19/07/2022

two daughters with her to attend it. Sitting in the

er little hand carries the weight of her head. She wa

who has been called to accompany them so will keep an eye on the kids, especially

rs on her head. "Thank you." Emily smiled at her. Littl

amily members. Senior Clifton was the first person to step down, he stretche

grand, the building was painted white with no spec of dust or mud on it, like the

her little sister's hand. Selene welcomed

n I am happy you could make it." she bowed he

took their coat before

he has brown eyes, and her red hair was tied behind, supported by

een a while, I am good, and yo

ad, and Clifton did the same. Gracia took he

n the soiree that she didn't notice when Aure

he company of many people decided to stroll in the manor. Her little feet pitter-p

gentle smile on her little face. Picking a book, sh

to side. Little Aurelia, who was too engrossed in what she

he voice, it was a boy who looks like he is fourteen years old. His ink-black hair was tied to the back and his bl

book" came he

?" He walks to where she is sitting, taking a peek at the book in

a young age, looking at you I can tell you are three years old." The book

es, her governess taught her, mama said I will

our name?"

r brown eyes look at

ust to be sure that she is th

ing four soon." the boy's mo

nd your sentences are well constructed, that's

Aurelia noticed that he

at the pictures, there are no

thing he has never done before. Aurelia no

zed to the rack of books, his hand tracing the books,

just going to sit down there? come." he carried her and p

e other kids turns to look at them but strangely her youngest daughter

est daughter who was surprised to see that he

o me." Emily who just finished the errand came back

" she turned to look at Selene

ed, "Aunty do you have a li

library, when they got there, they were shocked to see a sleeping A

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