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Husband In Law

Chapter 5 Unpleasant Encounter

Word Count: 1375    |    Released on: 20/07/2022


d out if what she says is true that she already has a date who is tall, dark and handsome. But from what he could see with

't have anything to worry about yet. He knew that Brando was out of town. But when he saw an SUV parked in front of Gina's boarding house, he was suddenly alarmed. And he was just

face even though the men were carrying guns and from what

he immediately looked at his mini GPS tracker and activated it. While checking at the digital numbers through his

cellphone and dialed a n

called answere

gentle voice on

now me?"

u ask me handsome? And

ed a


as immediately lowered by the two men with her. They took her to an elevator where only those with special keys could

r pressed the B *** mark and the elevator door opened again. When they came out of the elevator, a large living room opened up to her with a glass wall and from where she was

s attention to her direction, but when he saw her, he immediately put down his cellphone.

e fast," his smile widene

How nice of yo

nice that you just called me, no

his two men, blocking her at any attempt to

rds, Gina, but I assure you that they mean no harm.

s were harmless or not. "Then, why did they force me to come here even though I told the

two bodyguards, sign

d her again and touched her elbow, guiding her into the

for a date because I really have an important matter to attend.

ina. Wait, I'll get you something to drink

had to think of a valid reason

going? Will you meet your sister, Janice? If you're wondering why I know Janice, well I'm sor

It's a delightful California

f the wine and l

it?" Brando

th me standin

ved a little away from her. "Where d

I will give you back the gifts you sent me.

not what I

our relations

Is he a ma


don't think you'r

g games with yo


as he touch

that, right? I like you Gina, I really like you..since you're jus

happen, because I'm on my pe

e Gina, if that's what you think. All I want to h

if I don

you don't agree to be my

portant matter to attend today. Besides,

the couch. "Then I must regretfully insist. I invited you in a

ly angry with her. She knew Brando would g

of Brando's reaction to her. But she thought that no matter what happen

aid of you,

lmed down at wha

at I told you, I just wa

er and mother because I know at th

the one to inform th

are we

the elevator. Suddenly, his two bodyguards appeare

on't worry I'll take you to a re

At least now, she could manage this, she could manage him. All she had to


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