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The Chronicles Of Luna and Leo: Book One

The Chronicles Of Luna and Leo: Book One

Author: Nikandra

Chapter 1 Luna

Word Count: 1770    |    Released on: 21/07/2022

d on the log beside me. I move the coals around with my designated fire-poker (aka a long, sturdy stick I

hing but troublesome sin

up in his sleeping bag, I shake my head. A Cyclops could stomp

ilvery white hair cascades down my shoulder into my lap in waves. I usually put my hair in a ponytail at the bottom of my head

shake my head for the second time, I despise that he can sleep so sound

ch the sunset on a summer night. He sculpted, super tall and slender whereas I'm tall as well but I'm broad and

Leo and I, we are created by the twin gods to be protectors for the demi

rest. Leo, being a social butterfly, had gotten to know the kids better then I had over the past f

dren snoring around my campfire were spawns of one of the Big Three. Poseidon's children, a set of twins and younger sister born to the sea god. Super high p

hem, not subtly at all. their appearance was even better, sandy blonde hair with eyes

logs to bring up the flame and smoke. We can't let these kids die, Poseidon would skin us alive. I tune into the noise around

ves much, just because nothing is making noise doesn't mean there

ace. He looks around until his eyes land on me, he gets up and comes to sit

He asks, eyeing my tightly rolled pack "

nd look at the trio sleeping across from where we're sitting "It's hard not to be on high alert, especially when the ocea

n they are some of the strongest demi-gods in history by design,

I come back for a hunt, gotta make breakfast someho

spit over the fire, pulling out a pan to

ith Leo before the youngest aw

sleep well?" I ask

o good, thank you for watching over

reply, giving the small

gs and start our trek once again. We get about 1

hes and crouching down beside them, bow in full draw, arrow at the ready "Stay down and

on his thigh, looking over at me and noddi

s three harpies land on the ground whe

a shot as the harpies move closer and closer to our location. He makes a fist and d

nother one through the heart, it turning to dust instantly. He goes to take his next swing as the

y face and leaving a small cut across my cheek. The arrow flies through the

and helping them up "Leo, we gotta move and find cover, mask

along the path, my heart racing as I'm w

nothing found us this time. Leo and

ies right?" The boy, Xander

Greek monster studies?" I tease, Xa

t, we were doing Greek studies in history c

ore hands on though, I'd say" He lets out a laugh, poking

ot to go to public school?" I ask, g

ith you guys" Xander replies, pushing his glasses up his nose "If you don't mind, what

when both Artemis and Apollo visited our mother and gave her a quest that peoples lives depended on, which would be raising and training us to be the ultimate weapon against evil. Hence why we help fe

a raised eyebrow "Wha

he king of the underworld. You three are Poseidon's children and at Camp Drachma they will teach and train you to harness the powers you

me shut eye. We have to get a move on

to keep the cool, damp cavern air out. I watch the fire inten

s quietly, I f

?" I

dude" He says, moving the coals a

k, settling back into my sleeping bag. As soon as I'm comfor

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