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Vega Brothers And Their Mates

Vega Brothers And Their Mates


Chapter 1 1

Word Count: 1192    |    Released on: 23/07/2022


he stood with a deep frown cresting his rather handsome face as he stare

and he had set out during the early hours of th

limp was ripped apart and fed on. He could see marks on its flesh as he

s tales of Vampires returning to town

od tasty fangs. Marcus needed to warn his brothers. They needs to know, it's no longer safe out there or a

he horrid sight before stepping away. A

arm again in his horse. He sighed in deeply when he noticed a

nd also the only one who knew about their secret and if he was there then it must be because

ir friends, he is also part of the people keeping the peace in the town a

horse back, Marcus bega

side of the world, let me guess, it's too co

olored cow skin rancher cap at Marcus

ome to see what we can do to salva

side so they could talk further. From the tone of his voice, Marc

rong especially when it comes

nd up the stairs leading to the patio wit

sting a long gaze towards the vast piece of land with cattle’s grazing at a distance. From

with how much his brows were kne

nd even though their existence is now hidden to the outside world, only a fe

win this worried and helpless. Ma

win had asked, shortly a

hemselves through their mind links without actually saying a word, part of the reason why he felt coming to them was actually a good idea eve

Marcus two other brothers, Jackson and Lucien who show

Lucien was the last and the mos

lking further to settled down beside his bother

you have something important to sh

ow” Lucien joined in with a chuckle and Marcus grow

st brother reaction but said nothing further

stood straighter and sighed in deeply

stance boys." He

d and if we can help you then why not?" Marcus

aughter has gone missing. Sh

e are not the police” Jackson expressed a

an get the whole of this area swimming wit

ice. She practically disappeared without a

ut a trace then you and I knows she is already gone

lp of course” Jackson quic

ee eyes to eye with the counci

mean, so many people have gotten missing befor

est of him. Marcus saw the look in his eyes and kne

ner you tell us the whole truth, the better for her”

land shifted his weight from one foot

l because she

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