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Word Count: 1779    |    Released on: 03/08/2022


ion," Jessica asked. " No, I was th

lse," he lied. " Because I couldn't find a

have died for someone else," sh

upation?" She asked. " I'm

to jump down," he asked. Her express

" she mumbled. " Wh

she reluctantly answered. This cause him to lau

" Wow, you are fucking serious, you actually wanted t

n understandable cause, but for a guy, did you think about

ince I didn't have one, him and her were people I thought I was leaving for, because they were the only one I thought I had apart from my brother who

hone, going outside. This left Damon speechless

ther to follow her or not, before fin

in the playground. She sat on the swing, her head f

I didn't mean to," he says. His mouth be

, enjoying his struggle. " I

ogise to someone," she asked as h

he questioned. " Well, people are usual

she muttered." Let's say you

nswer. " You know, I had an impression that th

She asked as she stared at him. She in

from my parents," she replied. " It

ed, to scare buyers, till I could get mone

rphanage and come here, he would scare the family that lives there, so when two families

about him, I promised to be by his side when he w

I'm actually treating you for fre

hout you," he pointed out. " Don't push it, mister

y loved one worried about you,

if I'm single," he says. " Are

I don't believe it, a handsome guy like y

do you want something from me

hange your stitch," she says, head

truth, I'm single," he cla

utting the door. She was already at the fifth

et's say life's situation made me

stioned with ra

y and status I offered, as I accept to satisfy my se

e we are the same person

n't have someone who u

ance didn't use you to attain hi

gh their years they have been together, she was the only one earn

pid things for love," she de

who would make you recklessly, a girl who would push you against

aims as she smiles. " Take off your

appen," she mumbled as she started undressing h

ll improve with a few scars," she said aft

p easily. She giggles as she places

down on the couch opposite the bed,

ing from downstairs. Taking the scalpel from the table,

tled Jessica. " Fuck, i didn't know it wa

ed, still having goosebum

might want to be defensive, however this place is s

careful where I leave this

He asked. " I did, there weren't any p

off," she added. "Why?"

st friend and I don't think I'm rea

with me?" She inquired. " Wha

't think you would be interested,

ogether?" She questioned.

doctor show would be boring, so he scanned through

tting it on, and sitting down

lied. " It wouldn't be there if I don't watch these types,

teases, halfway through the movie as Je

aughed at her words. " It's true, I'm not scared," sh

airs," she announces,

getting his attention. " Fine, I'm scared, "

e muttered. " How was th

he replied. " Wow, so you enj

up off the TV. She rolled her eyes at his statemen

n't have any friends," she mu

et tone. " You are not seriousl

eone to cuddle with, but now I'm single, and I have to try falling asleep

le it," he defended. " Here you

he night," he offered, her reaction causing the glass

on't do what?," He asked. " Makin

fall very easily, and I don't want t

wanted," he questioned. "

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