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Mobius and the Witch

Chapter 5 Friendly Dinner

Word Count: 1128    |    Released on: 25/07/2022

e you did that,

ner, and are now enjoying each other’s company. Jason i

I’m not just an


s too drunk to care. Azaia was a breath of fresh air and he wanted i

t do you

e Hamilton hospital

ng, it suits you. I can tell you

hes, “What

life guru, whatever the kids are

“So you the

become a better person, on how you can heal, I don’t heal, it’s the patient that does al

ely wanted to kiss those pouty lips, but she has

that man leaving your ap

she shifts in her seat.

Azaia. I should

’s an ex-boyfriend, we had broken up that

ss, “I’m sorry, you

she sniffs, “

thigh, “If you ever need so

d on top of his, “

ls his hand away. Aziz fini

oing, I have the

the door, he opens the door for h

he rice, the wine and I e

If you ever need company,

, good nig


gives me shy smile before closing the door. Jas

ssed her.” He whi

oom, her sweet vanilla and somethi

He clears the counter and realises that Azaia left her container. He washe

ed. He stares at the ceiling, letting his mind drift to the possible life that he and Azai

He strokes himself through his boxers, knowing full well t

you Azaia, and I


s making his way to work. He gets to the door and pushes it open; he finds Abigail

g, Abigail,”

ou this fine autumn morning?”

are you? Is there anyth

ust let me ch

mputer, and she read th

Chester Roy at 10:00 and then y

ail,” Jason replies and m

om to boil some water for his protein shake. He goes to his office to leave his bag and then returns to the br

ep sultry v

nd him, and he opens the side pocket of his bag and pulls out a velvet box. He looks at his box and

the consequences of not doing it, yet at th

now you do

the metallic syringe and pulls the cap off.

I do return, there’ll

ows through his body and it feels like his entire body is on fire. He clenche

box back in his bag. He rolls down his sleeve a

st one appointment and

ve after his last appointment or work from home if he didn’t have any. So today, he had

anger issues and anxiety. He’s been to three different psychologists and accordin

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