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They Are Not Ordinary

Chapter 3 Weird feeling...

Word Count: 2244    |    Released on: 25/07/2022


m so starving. After all those lectures and learni

ill want to try foods from here. I saw more stares. It's was kin

aving at me which is Aliana which made me fe

asked and I brushed it off because nothing inter

ut the guys and the whistling are annoying me t

ow you where you could get th

e I already have my lunch," I told her, and sh

y stuffs and paid for them. I got myself a carton of milk because it will go well with my lunch

when I saw that the table is now packed. I felt a little bit awkward thinking ab

she grabbed my arm and lead me to the table, making everyone's eyes land

te stood up a

e me a warm hug instead, making me smile. "It's nice to meet you

has your back especially when I just got here. She patte

all seniors including Aliana and they are all part of the student

because Sophie had a different schedule than mine, the only time we both got classes to

ted just like the others and of

efore the class when

lked in with two boys behind her like they are her bodyguards. I was stunned by her beauty because

, Ja

up hot

this funny girl. I'm guessing she is famous around here

mall laugh "You will be

loud girl. I was near my seat when

Jake" He introduced himself with

ne before moving again to go to

yet, I didn't even

irritatingly said, I was losing my patience now because I

let's tal

of here you don't have a seat in here" I heard a familiar voice behind him which

before making his way back to his seat

g finally an

girl next to me as the teacher

g so don't mind him" She answered while pat

d which made her chuckled "I'm Ashter, Ashter Starr, by the way

he told me, "You are like a shining new toy here because we

ne" I complimented her, which made h

mall laugh which made me giggle a bit. I lik

Zachary and Claude" She pointed her hands at the two boys who were sitting next to he

called out to stop u

litely said and the teacher mumbled a thank

which made me jolt up in my seat because I am almost fallin

s quiet. He walked up to the teacher without saying anything and gave her a note before quickly walking t

care the boy was late, as

boy. I was intrigued because he is the first boy in this school that doesn't l

d down. but I could see him responding bac

ne told me. "He's just not too fond

at small amount of time we became good frie

boy sprint out with his friends except for Jane. I frow

id as we went opposite directions. I waved g

n again and his hoodie up. Surprisingly, the boy that I was watching the whole time was in seven out of my

s day over with, but then he came suddenly it chang

immediately stood up and started walking away again. I s

outside almost everyone is

und to see Aliana trying to catch up with me. "Geez, why do

saw to the corner of my eye that Claude, Zachary, and the boy Damien were in front of a car talking. I couldn't

contact with her as I quickly landed them back to the ta

She said her voice somew

h him and he is very quiet," I told h

m? and the other boys? He wasn't even looking my way and I never have interacted with him

t Damien I never because he is always sprinting away to people" I

en guy almost killed a kid in here because he touched him, Damien's reaso

at is cool Jane" They

told them, but I am still confused as to why should I stay aw

famous around here, that's their only friend that they allow

ut maybe he really didn't like anyone touching him because he had an abusi

and they are super pale, and they only go to school when the sun is not ou

s inside us, like me, I am weird too.." I trailed off, I

us and we are not trying to say they are a bad person but there's real

Aliana because she seems like

ry?" I asked getting more confused as

ain everything to you," She said bef

y one left in the parking lot. I walk to my car and I felt like there is someone watching m

and proceed to go to my car and drive

meone standing a few miles away from me b

I pressed the gas pedal driving as f

hat standing ther

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