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Bobby of the Labrador

Chapter 8 THE BATTLE

Word Count: 1459    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

d reached the brush hedge by the shore! It had made its turn northward, the

in the rear of the boys and take a position between them and the wolves, and as

ng the wild, fierce cry of triumph, when another pack, like phantoms in the forest shadows, coming from the direction of

s will help us! Run, lads, and get to the door! I'll

until their rifles were empty. Whether or not any of the animals fell they could not see, but the pack paused for a moment in surprise. Then the

stout door between them and the ravenous pack, which presently came snapping and snarling around the cabin. "I never saw such a

come of our dogs?" exclaimed Jim

lamp and was loading the magazine of his rifle. "Load up, p

Bobby exclaimed excitedly. "I know I

dn't kill. Here, you chaps," he added, raising a window three or four inches. "

affled by the sudden disappearance of their quarry, were ranged a little distance from the porch door, sav

, who was about to open the porch door

pid reports of the rifles at close range, together with the flashes of fire from an unseen source, struck panic to the heart of the pack. A slightly wounded

awling and limp upon the snow, which would never roam the hills again, and one or two of the wounded,

, partner, and put the kettle on, and we'll have some tea. Then if there's no sign of what's left

e when Skipper Ed returned a few minutes later

ff his adikey, "and some of those that got away were wounded, no doubt. At any ra

s the three settled into their easy c

I've heard some of the old Eskimos say that years ago it used to happen now and again that packs like this appeared. Wolves are cowardly beasts, but numbers give them cou

tarted out to get," laughed Bobby, "and

of wolf pelts to boo

they didn't get

d protection. We did the best we could, according to our lights, to protect and help ourselves, and so He helped, and brought

ust makes me tingle all over! Somehow when I get out of a mess like that I feel

u should have lived in the old days, when men had to fight

at they've gone. I didn't have time to feel much scared out there, but I'm

e worse for it. Now drink your hot tea, lads," couns

ntly for a little, listening the while to the snug and cheer

lves into the porch, and make them safe, for the d

dogs, mangled and torn by wolf fangs, were dead, and three others were so badly injured that for a long time they were unfitted for driving. B

nd the day with Skipper Ed and his partner. And a merry day it was for all of them, for wolf pelts could be traded at the mission store for necessaries. And none of them gave heed or thought

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