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A capricious boss

Chapter 2 Chapitre 2

Word Count: 1548    |    Released on: 29/07/2022

urns home that evening, she finds herself at squa

s getting him in a state, several times he pawed at her when she went to his office to give him information about sales, he was even willing

ears Angela didn't agree with his request, he looked for

m one moment to the other when she would not have any more money to give her participation to the expenses of

ht and comes back only at midnight or two o'clock

nd thirty minutes as usual and brushes her teeth then she gets ready, she realizes that Raissa is not back, thi

out that she sees Raissa gettin

go where like that I know nothing.>> Sa

one of your business, let her f

top of that she refused to go out with the boss, imagine all the advantages she would have had, in short, she should find a

find one, go and get

before Raissa gets out of the

Raissa" s

ad to toe before throwing her a

why do you answer

Well I'll talk to you any way I want, and also get a job because I

nd one and if I don't I'll get the hell out of t

's right, get

,she wants to get back to a job faster to avoid p

her resume, letter, and anything else that wil

er own boss yet because she doesn't have enough money, she wor

ations said that they would call her back if ne

when she returns home, Raissa is

it juice very fresh, she sips a big mouthful, Angela enters and seeks a glass in order to serve herself, this one does not retal

eturn to finish my juice Angela, you

looks at her without saying a word and

r opens on Erica, she is dressed in a red dress that reaches just above the kne

does not prevent himself from swallowing a m

you are very sexy la.>

rling, you're d

t know we were suppo

e saying we were going to

stop trying to always catch me off guard,

ou I wrote to you ,stop

ne out of her bag and hol

heck it out, it shows that

hone and realizes tha

you got it.>> She says

look of sadness

make this face of burial, let's g

argely eno

s to choose this ring ,but in reality ericka Was come to choose her these rings and was back home as if nothin

chosen, Eden decide

ust thirty minutes so allow me to spend my other th

ly have to go I have fi

, he just wants to move the foot when the owner of the store arrives wi

u doing here? How long h

nd goes to make a cuddle has his girlfriend ,just with th

been a really lon

en hug ea

pot ,in short here is my store ,I came back to the country

know it ,but it's crazy ,I'm with your father

see each other a lot m

ka at least ,she was our childhood friend anyway today she

with a surprised loo

mber her, nice to s

d to see you

r hand from his and pret

utiful ,how long have you

s already, let's s


o go, I have business at the office,

ora proposed to Ericka to stay with her because with her

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