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Chapter 4 YOU, MY HOPE

Word Count: 1710    |    Released on: 31/07/2022

went to trash when those words came out of his mouth. From now on, no more hugs from his

er to remember how she met him or the adventures that they shared together; it didn't matter to turn back

oy her again. It hurt to know the world had won the battle. They stabbed that innocent heart w

rget about my existence. Get out of here!" She yel

talk about this," Gabr

looked at you, I regret the moment when I kisse

hile Alice pushed him out of the house. He felt very guilt

ed at the moment she clo

else, so she ran to her room and clos

once again and this time, to finish wit

me to heal her fragile heart. Alice

lready been notified of the events of the day. Of course she was mad at her

sister and ask her for an explanation but Maria stopped

he took care of herself. She tried to endure dizziness, nausea and the headac

without being aware of anything. Her thoug

hankful when she saw her sist

pered, feeling she wa

many questions but seeing her like that, sh

e, hel

iot!" expressed Alexa, thinking Gabriel had d

r room, bringing alcohol to make her wake up. Eve

ng," she informed t

lice was sick. She was really sick

r Gabriel grew drastically and t

opened the door. A very young man came into the house loo

ease, doctor." Ma

ctor. A young man came in with no permission. Alexa and Rosa mov

id the ol

to let her know he

ed him. Alexa was aware it hadn't bee

t meeting and he sent me on his behalf.

is words, but she preferred to h

the actions he was doing with Alice. His e

erson she thought would be assisting her someday. She hadn't even op

amed him wit

Alice. Help m

ldn't believe Ian was there

g away his medical instrument

t'd be better if a hospital could che

erstand." Al

had realized that the girl he was checking up, had become

her out. Excuse me, I have to g

ack to her senses to accompany the doctor down

inued crying in silence. Maria seemed to b

uldn't believe her little sister was pregnant with the ba

e? Are you so pure to judg

expect her to do when Gabriel was the only one who made he

exa. She just wanted to find the guilty one, when truly she had been t

herself like a mom, went to Alice and offered

nt on me, my dear angel." Mar

a felt betrayed and... guilty. She loved her sister and nothing would change that. S

how her dreams had brok

t... It was too much for her to think about now. That was her

new challenge she had to overcome. Alice made a mistake and Alexa accepted that. In the end, she wa

Her sister asked Alice, lea

ell." Alice put down th

f voice Alexa used made Alice rea

own beside her. She was still an innocent g

unt on me, count on me forever. You too, baby angel," Alexa smiled, putting her

e was not joking. Her tears fell from her eyes again an

are going to raise him or her, you're going to bec

ankful. I don't kno

d to be since you was a child and played with my father that his was sick and you came to rescue him,

moment she was waiting to talk about what

asked the


on't want to raise him or her here. Let's move

ouldn't believe how brave a

s going to be fine and her baby too and, of course, Alexa would be there forever. She was all Alic

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