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Celestial Brides

Chapter 3 Life on Argo

Word Count: 6106    |    Released on: 08/08/2022


and of course, it would not hurt if they spent some time in the bedroom together. He smiled when he thought how eager s

he cupped her breast and liked the way it felt in his hand. Moving from her lips to her breast, he licked the puckered nipple and th

ed her lips for his kiss, kissing his lips she used her tongue to open his lips slowly so she could insert her to

an tasting his mouth with her tongue and teasing his lips. Releasing his mouth she said,

ned, as he ripped the covers back kneeling as he did, trailing his kisses down her neck to her breasts, stopping long enough to give each breast his full attention. Releasing her breasts,

get closer to him. He licked her from bottom to top once again sucking o

brought her hard. She cried out his name as she did. Kneeling he spread her legs as he sought her

e completely. When you pump me like this all I can think about is how good you feel inside of me." She pulled

nd knelt between her legs pulling her tighter against him. He rubbed her clit. She arched crying out her release. He drove deep inside her and his mating

arms he asked, "What do

ining gym again. Then I would like to

want to bath

p she took out her shorts and tank top. Putting on lace pantie

ck shirt with long sleeves. Pulling on the garments, he bent and pulled his black kn

ttle tight for exer

what I wear when I am training with my men." He said a little defensivel

r muscles swell and the fabric will bind them and

f clothes on the battlefield so I don

uscle are aching and needing a rub down." S

u to show me this ru

ow. She was surprised at how agile he was. "Follow my lead

ran at the higher pace for forty minutes. Checking her watch, she started the slower pace and noticed that Jal was a little red in the f

wait. When he could finally talk, he stood and said, "Yes I am fine."

d with warriors, and he had never trained this hard before. He could weld a sword with the best of them and he was well trained in war tactics but this exercise she put herself through was rigorous. In addition, he

back to the ca

xercise, his muscles were swollen, and they hurt. His ankles felt sore as well, the knee hi boots were not as flexible as he thought. Noticing how he was w

ould be nice.

the bench, he tried toeing his boots off, but it was more than he could take. Finally taking pity on him, she went and undid his boots removing them and then sliding his pants the rest of the way

o the sink she washed her face and then brushed her te

u exercise in those tight pants and boots. Y

or war and yet your exercise did me in. How in the universe do you do that every da

do not even notice the sore muscles, but the more you do the exercises, the less painful yo

al said grimacing as he move

been fun and she enjoyed feeling his tight muscular body under her hands. When she came to his shaft, she found he was semi erect.

t his muscle hurt so bad that he had to stop. "Oh, gods C

morrow." She said draining the tub and helping him out. She toweled them both off and then helped him the bed. His ankles were so swollen that it hurt him to walk. She put her arm around his

will sit in here and talk. Can th

ver you want." He said t

, and cheese. She had the replicator make a large bowl of ice, grabbing

s filled with wine and then pouring herself one. Putting the ice in the towels, sh

s of your childhood did you have any

cially when I left my foster parents, I was fifteen and I went to work at a

amburger join

make hamburgers, from cow's


have any idea do yo

e shook

ld stay in the little place termed as a studio apartment. I stayed the

learned to become

d half years. I was the youngest person to ever graduate

atched, as he tasted it. "I rea

to lay flat on your tummy and let me massage your thigh muscles." She s

ighing he liked the feel of her hands on his legs. Moving to his other thigh, she began the massaging again. She continued down to his calves and then moved up to his back. She sat on

said when she fini

muscles. She felt him completely relax and knew he had fallen asleep. Getting up quietly she took the glasses back to the kitchen area and then put the rest

cooped up in the cabin and needed to get out. She would let Jal sleep and come back later, if he felt goo

e, here she was having one, and it was one she couldn't have wanted more. She loved being here with Jal; he had given her something that had been missing all her life. A reason for her existence, she had found

l had brought aboard the ship. Sniffing deeply, he could smell her scent and it was delicious. He was just inches shorter than Jal

her chest she frowned, "You startled me." Seeing the lust in his eyes, she backed aw

would not let you out alone on a ship full of unmated males." Reaching for her he pulled her to him, lifting her he kissed her. She f

marked me?" she aske

d." Lars said looking over her body. She l

his baby right now. So, you better back off."

ill claim you instead." He said pulling her to his body once more this time kissing her and

ll kill you. I am his and I have mated with him. You can't sm

e next corridor Lars ran headlong into Jal. Jal's eyes turned feral when he saw CC in his a

body of your claiming. So, I will claim he

Lars and fight

hit the floor. "As you wi

ed. "Jal don't what if you lose." Her words infuriated

the fight. Now move so you ar

d when she saw the huge knife Lars pulled out of the belt on his waist, her hand went to her mouth

ce knocking him back against the wall. Lars recovered quickly and lunged again; Jal tried to sidestep him, but his ankles would not let him move as fast. Lars pinned him against

into Jal's left shoulder. CC screamed which brought other warriors running. Before the warriors got there, she ran at Lars hitting square in the side knocking him off Jal. Lars sat on the floor looking at her he was surprised at the tiny human female. Jumping on him, she began pummeling his chest and face, calling him

Jal. CC knelt she had tears in her eyes. "Jal are you alright?" Ripping part of her shirt off she used it to stop the blood flowing from the wound. Look

the sleeping chamber and laid him on the bed. "Get me medical supplies." She stormed. One warrior left to get her what she re

ake care of him. Do not let that man Lars near us again." She gl

t pulling it out of the shoulder. Throwing the blade down, she grabbed the towel to stem the blood flow, taking the first aid kit, she cleaned the wound sealing it with the skin glue. Wrapping it tightly with the bandage, she turned her attention to his cut arm and thigh. These cut

?" Worry etched her f

ou leave our cabin?" he ask

the gallery. I didn't know I would cause all this." Her voice trailed off

lling her that an unmated male would want her. Damn, he should have marked her. If he had marked her, it was a sign that he had mated her for life

ng her to him but with his injured arm, he could not. "CC please com

u were amazing as you attacked Lars, he must be three times your size and yet you did not l

he had killed you, I would have died." Her tears st

they would only let me go so fast. When I saw Lars carrying you down the corridor my heart almost stopped. When Lars challenged me for you, I was incensed. I coul

out you." She hiccupped. "Now you should sleep I

ding her tight. Laying her head on his shoulder, sh

replicator and made coffee and pastries. Placing them on a tray, she went back to the bedroom. Placing the tray on the foot of the bed, she

reakfast and after we eat, I will take you to the bathing chamber

ly weaker voice that she was used to. She had also brought a chilled bag from the

ed several pillows behind his back so he could sit up and then she gave him a cup of co

my studio apartment?" She asked returning to t

re of them. Some I kept as pet's other I gave to those I knew who would gi

s but just a few. There is a teal colored Tribulet a soft furry little creature that r

at and dog

nderstand, but what

u have nothing like it on your planet. A cat . . . a feline?" she asked

ross felines that roamed in a place called Africa and where they had been

a small cat that had

e have the same kind of pets then." He

rom the bed, she took the cups and tray back to the little cooking area. Retur

jump to the Triangulum galaxy. Today was the last day of the third week. CC and Jal stood in the transporter bay. They were waiting to beam down

" she asked for the hu

." He replied wit

e young woman to the surface of the pl

ting her bag down, he drew her into his arms.

. He was afraid she was going to hurt herself, her hold on him was very tight. On the surface of the planet, she stood on wobbly legs, her heart be

shaking she stepped away from him even though her legs were wobbly, taking a

go to the shuttle bay to find out how long and then to

learly evident in her voice. Taking her

the blackest black she had ever seen. All the colors of the rainbow colored the birds that flew in the air. However, Jal told her that som

She sighed. "I have never se

housing the shuttle they would take to the jump. "How much

g of provisions will be done in that time as well." Th

ankful. I am taking my lady to the mall area for a meal we will be back in one hour." Jal sa

hand, he led her along the walk area taking her to a little f

ind from his grapes on his farm. He brought that to the table then went to the next vendor and got a half loaf of bread. Returni

s dish," he pointed to, "is called colcannon it is like your potato a

en she scooped some of the colcannon on to her plate. Raising her fork in a salute, she took a bite

fore getting up and going to the shuttle bay. They arrived just in time to take possession of the shuttle. It to

ld, they waited as Jal entered the final coordinat

tia on my mark prepa

mence entering sequ

w." The officer of t

t the other side, but CC felt terrible, she felt a

safety harness, he went to her. Kneeling by the sea

e never traveled through a space hole j

t stay seated I will get

it and drank it down. "How long before we arrive at Cel

five hours; you should go back to the small r

d, and headed back to the room on wobbly legs. What's wrong with me she wondered

oing. She was lying with her back to the door. Going to the small bed, he tried to lie down it was not big enough fo

rty minutes of Celestia. It felt like they had been asleep for just moments when the computer alarm woke Jal. He suddenly realized that CC was no longer lying on

wrong?" he a

ct that this is the first time I will be living on a new and strange plan

our planet. I promise you will be so busy that the year will pass quickly. I promise nights fi


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