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Halloween Begins

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 4002    |    Released on: 31/07/2022


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stinging after my sister poked me in the eye with a hanger. I didn't think about them because I knew that they wouldn't kill me. After killing my sister's friends I finally got a chance to k

r me. The voices were screaming at me, telling me to kill her and I was not going to let her get away this time. I was going to make them silent again, at least for a while. "W-why are you doing this?!" My sister screams at me as I start to approach her with the knife lifted up, ready to strike, to make the final blow that would end her life. Her tears streamed down her face as she attempts to get away from me, only to meet the cold wall behind her. I took the final few steps forward, making her cry even louder. I felt my heart beat faster and blood flow through my veins. I bring the knife down, making it slice through her flesh, the blood-curling scream filled the room, making the voices in my head go silent. I pull the knife out of her cold corpse, tilting my head to look at her one last time. I was go

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to every Halloween? "Sarah, what's going on out there?" I try to look outside, only for her to push me towards the hallway. "Don't you have work tomorrow?" She says quickly while she pushes me away. I just turn to look at her angrily. "I don't have work tomorrow! Are you seriously sending me to bed? I'm 21 not six!" I yell at her. She has the nerve to tell me what to do even if I live in my own house. "Just do what I say! I'm older than you!" I huff angrily at her and make my way to the bathroom. I hear her sigh behind me but I ignored her. I need to take a shower to relax. I slam the door behind me. Why should I even listen to her? I take my clothes off and hop in the sh

t Sarah didn't say anything. I look at her angrily. She was giving me the silent treatment like a child. "Sarah! I don't know what is going on with you today!" I feel anger boiling in me and I go over to the window to loo outside. In front of the abandoned house were a crowd and police cars. The scene looked somehow familiar to me. "Sarah, what's going on?" I ask her as more people gathered around the house. Sarah still wasn't answering and I turn to look at her only to have my heart stop. There was a knife in her neck on the window side and I could see it now. My legs grow week and I fall down on the floor. I feel my eyes water and only high-pitched whines leave my mouth. Timmy was sitting on the kitchen counter and looking at something in the hallway leading to the backdoor. I look at the hall way only to hear footsteps approaching the living room. I back in the corner of the room, making some distance between me and the hallway. I can feel my heart beat faster by the passing seconds and tears run down my cheeks. My vision was blurry but I can see that someone appeared at the doorway. I blink a couple of times to make the tears run down so I could see a litt

arrying me around while probably finding the perfect spot to put me out of my misery. The man took me to my bedroom and put me on my bed and then he just tilted his head to look at me again. I look at him and back away from him a little. He starts to unzip the overalls, sending me into a panic. He wasn't going to do that, right? "P-please don't d-do it." I whisper to him as he ties up the sleeves around his hips. His black shirt had bloody holes in it. He has been shot but he was still walking like nothing had happened to him. He gets on the bed with me and before I could get away from him, he brings his arms around me again and makes me lay down in his arms. His hold was tight and warm. I feel him breathing down my neck as we lay there. I try to get up but his arms tighten around me, making me hold my breath. My eyes land on Timmy who was sitting at the doorway, looking at us silently. I hear the man's breathing slow down and think that he was sleeping behind me. I slowly turn my head to look at him. The pale mask was looking back at me but I couldn't

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r, closing the shower curtain behind her. I walk closer to the shower, peeking through the opening of the curtain. The warm water was making her skin sparkle under the light of the room. She seemed to be relaxed under the water. When she was washing her hair I reached out my hand and quickly touched her back. She seemed to jump at my touch so I stand next to the shower, hiding behind the curtain. Jessica peaks out from the shower curtain but thankfully she doesn't look at me. She closes the curtain again and it was my time to take care of her sister. I leave Jessica in the bathroom and walk down the hall only to see that she was sitting on the couch, looking very displeased. I sneak behind him, hearing the voices whisper something in my head and I pierce his neck with the knife. She gasps while blo

r in my arms. I look at her teary eyes, which are wide and scared. She didn't try to get away from me and that's a good thing. I get up the stairs, sensing the cat was following us around. I get in her bedroom and put her down on the bed. She looked at me and backs away from me. I unzip my overalls, letting my wounds breathe better and cooling down my feverish skin. "P-please don't d-do it." she whispers as I tie up the sleeves around my hips tightly. I ignore her and quickly look over the gun wounds which were already healing. I get on the bed with her, laying down with her in my arms. She tries to get up from my arms but I tighten my hold on her. I wanted her to be right there. I close my eyes and try to get some sleep. The voices were quiet, giving me a perfect opportunity to get some rest. If I want my wounds to heal, I have to get some rest. I was listening to her breathing until it quickens and they turn into sobs. She was sad now. She was shaking from her sobs. I get closer to her and lift my hand on her cheek and I pet her cheek gently. I remember doing it to her when we were younger. It always calmed her down. After some time she finally fell asleep in my arms. I feel a small smile make its way on my lips. I sit up to look at her, she was peacefully sleeping next to me, tears dried on her face. I get up from the bed slowly, as not to disturb her sleep. I need to get rind of her sister's body before I coul

them in a vase and put the vase on the dining table. I found a jug and decide that it's good enough for the roses. I add some water inside the jug a

didn't want her to be cold. I wrap my arms around her, resting my head on top of hers. Her breathing tickles my neck, making a smile appear on my face. Her scent making its way back into my lungs, making my head almost pin.

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