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Chapter 2 The party

Word Count: 901    |    Released on: 01/08/2022

s were instantly shoved in our hands but with my ignorance l just placed the corn shaped cup down on the table

on his face . " Are you seriously for real Mickie ? " , I looked up at him with both a quizzical and an angry expression

urse . " I can't stay here for heaven's sake , before all the gods l really need to go " , l murmured to myself inward

e hell are

you picking u

iously forgotten abou


t l was going to sleep with her at their home . " Oh ! God am fucking screwed up all because of my annoying brother " , After recalling that best friends don't br

I was out in flesh air , a sigh of relief escaped out of my mouth . " I really need to go and see Xenia " , l uttered out inwardly before hailing up a

ate " , I uttered out again when l got no response from her but still even when l repeated myself l still got no response . " I know that

ng for her to answer . I waited for a pretty good time waiting for her to answer but still she didn't answer . " Darn it , it's all because of

enia's older brother . We were both best friends with older brothers . " Uhmm ... Can I help you ? " , He asked before bending down and pi

u ? , I mean I do have to tell Xenia the person who has been looking for her " , He spoke out with a smirk making its way on his fac

patience running low . " I don't talk to strangers " , He mumbled with a smirk on his face and


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