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Outcast werewolf

Outcast werewolf

Author: Flora A

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 529    |    Released on: 02/08/2022

She stared at the guy

inions, they chuckled, following in thei

me pretty" John said and his puppets la

powers and can't shift into a wolf. Everyone else already developed their powers

g you to let me go" She replied and made to leave b

rd,with everyone gone, to their various houses. Now

ful remarks and stigmatizatio

re you even one of us? If your parents weren't full fledged werewolves,I would've thought you're adopted.

I promise you,I won't sit back" Sh

udly. She had bitten more than she cou

r butts. Blood trickled down her nostril and he grabbed her white shirt which was stained with

ore we get caught by the principal" He said and John'

she'll ever remember,in her entire lifetime.


atching their retreating figures. When they're gone,

tain on her lips and wiped at it,

irection, out of the hall an

r tomorrow,she just can't wait

s. Her parents held a mighty position in the council and very po

, a long black silky hair , a snowy white skin. Completely f

hool prepared by the Alpha,to train werewolves

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