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Chapter 4 Episode 4

Word Count: 1570    |    Released on: 02/08/2022


ce meeting and saw the invest

what I meant and took my seat in the cente

nzo, Mr Philip Lorenzo's daughter and the new CEO of this

e begin thi

like we all know, we're gathered here today to make a collaborated project for the betterment of b

glad to hea


loyal to each other and never betray one ano

do that to you and am sure y

th the presentati


e deal is

, you're really professional at creating brilliant ideas in flourishing an

mething to work on. Let go Jack." I said and headed for the door still li

staring at Jack to continue the discussio

I received it in an envelope with a

here i

e." He said and walked toward my father's picture an

osity. I took the envelope from him and opened it to see an e

bbreviation with J.A.M.I.N.S and a code containi

out what they mean, it might be a clue to those who were involved in his murder

ething related to anything like a password or of

. Thank you, I'd li

" He uttered a

here must be a reason why my father didn't drop all these with him a

k what is in the flash drive and tape. I need to have a clear mind to recall all the little mome

ll the enemies my father has killed and is yet to kill which I am

yet because I don't have a tape player but

im to meet me in the office and a

dy. How may

ng I could use to

say the secret chamber." He said, pointi

idn't tell me a

you knew

pend some quality time with my dad." I admitted as

ded and stopped by the door

ok deeply into your heart,

g to recall something before the tho

locked automatically as I smiled to myself

flashlight and locate where the switch in the

er of the room along with some files an

bout.” I instructed him as he walked ove

d the tape inside the player and took a few s

I know after you get this message, I

mouthed w

ive me for whatever challenges you’re going to face. Your journey as a mafia queen w

time with me. When growing up, I didn’t get to see him around me or even spend some time with hi

t to know and the flash drive is the list of my enemies. However, I know you can’t do it alone even if you want to. That's why I assigned Jac

s you so much.” I uttered

mpt to ensure the person gets killed. The person behind his death as wel

. I’m pretty sure the person is among the mafia because that’s what a

death.” Jack apologized, ha

ffled and collecte

him to take out the tape from the pl

and took a seat, tryi

cup of coffee?” He asked, d

e.” I repli

ill be right back.

ding the cup of coffee in his h

much better a

naged to say and

ich made me feel better, I

o trust at that time and since my dad trusted you and L

the same as well. Lovanto is really a g


r’s trusted adviser and he tr

ted advisers and I want us to work on fin

delighted to earn y

omplices involved in the murder and I won’t rest un

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