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Vampire Acadamy Series

Vampire Acadamy Series


Chapter 1 prologue

Word Count: 1207    |    Released on: 03/08/2022


e Kingdom of t

es lo

his foster father and brothers first, the th

their farmstead. Cadeon recognized the merciless slaughter as the work of revenants,

disbelief, his mind re


ers might have escaped into the forest. Heart thundering, he searched the ruins, praying to find no

foster sisters. They'd been burned, and while they were still alive. Their mu

ing until his throat was

an old oak, sinking down against it. In the space o

nd for decades, yet the dark sorcerer had chosen

d his head in his hands.

he'd been born a prince and was his brother's sole heir to the thron

e one who controls Torni

e glanced up without interest. A demon had hidden be

d. By the look of his weapon and tunic, he was an as

ream of blood welled at the edge of the swo

d to futilely claw at it, ripping at his skin while Cadeon watched dispassionately. As

k helmet-a notorious one. It was King Rydstrom, leade

ng his battle-scarred visage. Most s

hen Cadeon had been only seven. As his brother's heir, he'd been separated out of the royal

iage had rolled away, Rydstrom-who'd once been more like a father

g if his brother had cared

his younger brother, nor did he bother to dism

had journeyed off to defend agai

guard?" Rydstrom said harshly. "And

alty, and they'd needed his help. Because he could read and write and teleport, Cadeo

ld truly attack. "Have you come to kill me f

d over Rydstrom's trusted officers, staring down at him with thinly veile

n't my life-I hardly k

ad no leader within. Omort seized on that and launched his rebellion, sending this

decision. 'Tis not so simple a thing," C

by a word, an act, even the absence of

on's loved ones wo

end a surprise attack, and his sole heir, the last male of their line, repudiates

on his throat. "It was no

ted. He drew his sword as he strode toward Cadeon, raise

stand; Cadeon should've died

sliced down. A flicker of interest arose in Rydstro

ge the deaths of the

a, determination welling inside him.

ct to do that wi

f you train me, I won't stop until I have his head," he vowed. "A

han a life driven by nothing." He turned for his horse, saying over his shoul

to destroy Omort. But he also

on his blood kin, Omort controlled Rothka

. Cadeon couldn't do

azed at Cadeon with an expression of hatred, tinged

ught. Even at his young age, he knew he'

get that cr

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